
    摘要:锅炉暖风器是一种利用蒸汽为热源加热空气的锅炉辅机设备。暖风器的基本功能就是利用汽轮机抽汽来加热锅炉进风,将加热的空气输送进空气预热器,提高空气预热器的进口(即冷端)空气温度,防止发生低温腐蚀,因此暖风器对锅炉是必需的,同时还有可能起到降低煤耗的作用。本设计600MW工业锅炉暖风器采用2台<1-2型>管壳式换热器串联工作布置。蒸汽的结垢性强使其在管程流动,空气温度压力均不高,且较洁净,则在壳程流动。暖风器总传热面积为928 ,外径为16mm,壁厚2mm,材质使用 SA-556 C2低碳钢,。管孔布置为标准双流程结构,采用正三角形排列,相比于转角三角形,虽然流动阻力较大,但传热效率更高。封头则采用半球型封头,考虑到拆卸与维修因素,分层隔板采用分块装卸,倾斜布置。水室材质使用 SA516Gr70 碳钢。壳体内径为1100mm, 厚度为44mm,材质使用 15CrMoR。 49006


    The Design of Air Heater with Power Plant Boiler

    Abstract: Boiler air heater is a steam boiler auxiliary equipment for heating air. The basic function of the air heater is the use of extraction steam to heat the boiler into the wind, the heated air is piped into the air preheater, improve the import of air preheater (i.e. cold end) air temperature, to prevent the occurrence of low temperature corrosion, so the heater is necessary for boiler, and may also play a role in reducing coal consumption. The design of 600MW industrial boiler air heater with 2 <1-2 type > shell and tube type heat exchanger series arrangement. The scale on the steam flows in the tube, the temperature of the air pressure is not high, and relatively clean, the flow in the shell side. The warm air heat exchanger area 928, diameter 16mm, thickness of 2mm, the use of SA-556 C2 low carbon steel material,. The pipe orifice is arranged as a standard double flow structure, which is arranged in a regular triangle, compared with the angle triangle, although the flow resistance is larger, the heat transfer efficiency is higher. In the head, the head of the dome is adopted, taking into account the factors of disassembly and maintenance. Water chamber material using SA516Gr70 carbon steel. The inner diameter of the shell is 1100mm, the thickness is 44mm, and the material is made of 15CrMoR.

    Keywords: power plant boiler system, waste heat utilization technology, heat exchanger design; structural design; thermal calculation


    1绪论 1

    1.1 电站锅炉 1

    1.1.1 电站锅炉概念 1

    1.1.2 电站锅炉系统构成 3

    1.2 暖风器 5

    1.2.1 暖风器的概念 5

    1.2.2 暖风器类型和功能 8

    1.2.3 暖风器设计原理 9

    2 暖风器设计任务 11

    2.1 设计任务书 11

    2.2 流体的物性参数 12

    2.2.1 原始数据 12

    2.2.2 管程和壳程的参数 12

    3 暖风器设计的热力计算 14

    3.1 传热量及平均温差 14

    3.2 传热面积及结构 16

    3.2.1 传热系数 16

    3.2.2 管子固定和排列

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