

    毕业论文关键词: 低温省煤器;热力计算;结构设计; 

    Design of Low Temperature Coal Saving Device for Power Station Boiler

    Abstract: In our natural resources, coal reserves is relatively rich in comparison with oil and gas, accounting for 11.60% of world’s reserves, but the coal resources per capita recoverable reserves only half for the world’s average. Moreover, it is important to improve the efficiency in the use of hot anthracite boiler. This design is mainly in need of heat exchanger tubes and the shell structure of thermodynamic calculations and calculations, the main heat transfer calculation heat transfer coefficient and heat transfer area to be calculated heating need, need major structural calculation to calculate the number and length of the inner diameter of the casing and auxiliary equipment to calculate the tube. Heat exchanger tube outer diameter of 25mm, wall thickness 5mm, the material used carbon seamless steel pipe, the total heat transfer area of 843m2. Holes arranged in a standard double flow structure, the use of heat transfer tubes arranged in a square. Housing inner diameter of 1200mm, thickness of 55mm, the material is 15CrMoR.

    Keywords:  low temperature economizer;  thermodynamic calculation;  structural design


    1绪论 1

    1.1 管式换热器 1

    1.2 管式换热器的基本概念 2

    1.3 管式换热器的分类 2

    1.3.1 固定管板式换热器 2

    1.3.2 浮头式换热器 2

    1.3.3 U形管式换热器 2

    2低温省煤器 4

    2.1 省煤器相关 4

    2.2 省煤器的作用 5

    2.3 低温省煤器的应用情况 5

    2.4 低温省煤器布置方案 6

    2.5 安装低温省煤器需要考虑的问题 8

      2.5.1 低温腐蚀及其危害 8

      2.5.2 影响低温腐蚀的因素 10

      2.5.3 防止或减轻低温腐蚀的措施 10

    2.6 低温省煤器设计 11

    3低温省煤器热力计算 13

    3.1 燃料所需空气量计算 13

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