




    Abstract Design parameters for gas steam boiler: the thermal power rating is 2800 kw,the steam rating is 175 degrees Celsius,water temperature is 90 degrees Celsius,the power of the boiler is %90,fuel is gas,gas consumption is 137 m ^ 3 / h (Q = 36006 kJ/m ^ 3),exhaust smoke temperature is 200 degrees Celsius,the weight of machine is 5t,flood water volume is 3.6 m ^ 3,radiation heating area is 5.99 m ^ 2,convection heating surface is 50.96 m ^ 2,the chimney height is 20 m.The safe operation condition of the boiler ranges of 30-110%,furnace volume heat load is 248 kw/m ^ 3,the length of boiler is 3.99m,width is 1.64 m,height is 1.64 m.

    The design on the platen superheater, furnace, low temperature superheater, high temperature superheater, economizer in high temperature and high temperature air preheater and low temperature economizer, low temperature air preheater structural calculation and heat transfer calculation, and the flue resistance calculation and the calculation of air preheater, the choice of induced draft fan and blower.

        In the design , the furnace exit flue gas temperature is 600 degrees Celsius,after smoke platen superheater temperature drops to 400 degrees Celsius,after high temperature superheater smoking temperature drops to 350 degrees Celsius,after low temperature superheater temperature drops to 300 degrees Celsius,after high temperature economizer drops to 250 degrees Celsius,after the high temperature air preheater drops to 200 degrees Celsius,after low temperature economizer drops to 185 degrees Celsius,after high temperature to150 degrees Celsius in air preheater smoke.

    Keywords: furnace,superheater, economizer and air preheater.


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1燃气锅炉的特点 1

    1.1.1 热效率高,环境污染低 1

    1.1.2 锅炉设备投资少 1

    1.1.3运行成本低 2

    1.1.4设备维修费用低 2

    1.1.5存在的危险 2

    1.2燃气锅炉的现状 2

    1.2.1国产、进口锅炉并存 2

    1.2.2 与燃油锅炉相比,燃气锅炉使用较少 3

    1.2.3 国产燃烧器性能有待提高 3

    1.3设计燃气锅炉基本思路 4


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