    摘要船舶停泊时主要受到水流力、风力以及促使船舶纵倾、横倾的波浪惯性力等,通过停泊设备可承受或传递这些载荷,使得船舶安全停靠。停泊设备是指锚泊设备和系泊设备的总称, 是确保船舶在一切可能发生的情况下能牢靠而有效停泊的必要设备,其布置情况与性能优劣直接影响船舶运行安全。良好的锚泊、系泊系统可确保货船可靠稳定工作,为货物运输和海上贸易提供较好的航行保障。一直以来,国内外对船舶锚泊、系泊系统的设计都是结合相关规定和经验得来的。本文按照中国船级社所颁布的《国内航行海船建造规范(2006 版) 》并查阅《船舶设计实用手册》 , 详细阐述如何利用舾装数法选配 2700T 沿海货船锚泊、 系泊设备,并对这些停船设备的配备、选型、参数确定以及布置做出了详细阐述。本文除了介绍常见的锚泊设备以及系泊设备以外, 还介绍了如何科学合理计算船舶舾装数,并给出其各个参数选定原则;最后,本文结合已选定的设备的相关参数与布置情况,对其安装与试验给出一定的指导,确保锚泊系统与系泊系统能够达到安全等级使得船舶正常运行。58191
    AbstractWhen the ship is parked, it is mainly subjected to the water current forces, inertia forcethat wind and waves make the ship longitudinal and transverse. However, the Mooringequipment can bear or transfer these load in the ship.Parking equipment is a general term referring to the anchoring and mooring equipment.And they are necessary equipment that ensure ship parked securely and efficiently in caseof what might happen. The arrangement of parking equipment is excellent or not willdirectly affect the safe of the ship when it is working. Good anchoring and mooring systemensures reliable and stable operation of cargo ship, what is more that they will providebetter protection for goods and maritime trade in the sea. All along, the design of anchoringand mooring system always mix the experience and some relevant provisions at home andabroad. However, there is not a complete design process can work for parking system inthe ship.This paper has introduced how to use the equipment number to design the anchoring andmooring system of 2700T coastal cargo ship with the criterion of 2006 RULES FOR THECLASSIFICATION OF SEA-GOING STEEL SHIPS and SHIP DESIGN PRACTICALMANUAL in detail. Also, it will show how to calculate the equipment number and explainall parameters. And the introduction of common anchoring and mooring equipment will begiven in this paper. It is important that the method of how to determine parameters andselect model of anchoring and mooring equipment in this article. In addition, thearrangement of these equipment which have ensured also will be showed. Finally, therewill be some installation guidance and tests to ensure the anchoring and mooring systemqualified and working well.
    Keywords:anchoring and mooring equipment; equipment number.



    第一章绪论. 1

    1.1引言 1

    1.2 2700T沿海散货船简介. 1

    1.3 舾装数 N的概念及计算.1

    1.4 本章小结.3

    第二章 2700T 沿海货船锚设备设计 4

    2.1 锚设备概述.4

    2.1.1 锚设备构成.4


    2.1.3 锚链4

    2.1.4 锚链筒. 5

    2.1.5 锚链舱. 6

    2.1.6 掣链器. 6

    2.2锚设备工作原理及设计依据与原则. 6

    2.2.1 工作原理. 6

    2.2.2 艏锚设备设计依据与原则7

    2.3 按舾装数 N选配锚及锚链 9

    2.3.1 舾装数计算.9

    2.3.2 选配锚及锚链.11

    2.4 锚链筒设计 12

    2.4.1 锚链锚链筒设计布置要求12

    2.4.2 锚链筒主要尺寸 13

    2.5锚链舱容计算及结构设计 14

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