

        本论文在电源盒壳体及散热部件进行结构设计、三维建模的基础上,利用SolidWorks Simulation 软件对其进行静态应力分析和热分析。58190




    Abstract According to statistics, 55% of electronic equipment failure were caused by high Temperature. we can see that the main failure form of electronic equipment is overheating damage, therefore effective heat dissipation for electronic equipment is the key to improve the stability of the product . 

    This thesis is based on structural design of related housing and cooling components of the power box, then SolidWorks and Simulation software are used to make 3D model and  expand the study of static stress analysis and thermal analysis to solve the quality optimization and heat dissipation problem of the power box.

    The optimization process of these aspects is a circular process of pre-treatment, solving and post treatment. On the premise of satisfying the constraint of cooling space, the maximum temperature of heat sinks is minimized. Control variables method is used to optimize the structural parameters of the cooling sink. And the cooling base plate and heat sink assembly to make better contact in order to reduce the thermal resistance. These measures are taken to enhance the performance of cooling sink .

    Through this method, the purpose to enhance the cooling effect of the power supply box and optimized three-dimensional model and the establishment of two-dimensional engineering drawing have been obtained. Finally, the conclusion of this thesis and the advices for future research are given.

    Keywords:Optimization design;Heat sink;Static analysis;Thermal analysis

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1抽屉式电源盒介绍 1

    1.2相关技术与研究现状 1

      1.2.1 计算机辅助分析(CAE)简介 1

      1.2.2 电子产品的散热方法介绍 2

    1.3 Solidworks Simulation 的工程应用 2

    1.3.1 有限元分析概述 3

    1.3.2 建立数学模型 4

    1.3.3 建立有限元模型 5

    1.3.4 求解有限元模型 5

    1.3.5 SolidWorks Simulation 对模型进行结构分析的关键步骤 5

    1.3.6运用 SolidWorks Simulation 热分析需要考虑的因素 6

    1.4本文的主要工作 7

    第二章 抽屉式电源盒的结构设计 8

    2.1 概述 8

    2.2 电源盒总体设计

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