







    Abstract With the development of the times, the pollution caused by the emission of gasoline and diesel is more and more serious, and the natural gas must be the main energy .The characteristics of environmental protection and saving conform to the requirements of today's development, and the combination of container ship and LNG has become a trend.

    the paper introduces the basic process of 510 TEU coastal dual fuel power container ship ‘s specification design, Structural design calculation and check mainly based on the     "Specification for the construction and classification of sea going steel ships "CCS2012. The ship is made of steel, it is a container ship with single deck, double hull and double sculls, double fuel drive. which can install 510 TEU. Ship is equipped with  three decks, single continuous deck, the first floor , anchoring and mooring equipment is set on the first floor, the first floor is equipped with 3 tier deckhouse and aft main deck is arranged on the poop deck, poop deck set mooring equipment. The cargo area is longitudinal frame, bow and stern and superstructure is transverse frame.

     The main contents of this paper include: 

     1. The development of the coastal container ship, the structural characteristics of the container ship and the problems needing attention in the process of using the standard design method.

     2. Structure design specification of 510 TEU of coastal container ship and checking calculation, the bending strength of the mid-ship section area. 

     3. Drawing the typical cross section and the basic structure. 

    Key words: container ship, structural design, figure of cross section map, figure of basic structure 

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1集装箱船的发展概述 1

    1.2 集装箱船的特点 2

    1.3结构设计概述 3

    1.3.1结构设计的依据 3

    1.3.2结构设计任务 3

    1.3.3结构设计方法 3

    1.3.4规范设计的基本步骤 3

    1.3.5 规范设计的局限性 4

    1.3.6.结构布置的一般原则 4

    1.4研究目标和内容 4

    第二章 结构设计基本分析 6


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