
    摘要房车出行作为一种新型旅游方式越来越受到人们的欢迎。房车要求其空间得到最大 化利用。可旋转座椅作为一种有效措施被广泛使用,但在驾驶区与手刹机构存在干涉现 象。

    为解决干涉现象,设计一种双棘轮式结构手刹,使其具有第二锁止机构,在放下驻 车制动杆时仍能保持长期锁止。在某房车原有底座和驻车制动杆的结构基础上进行手刹 的改进设计,绘制了机械加工图,对机构进行动力分析和强度校核,并通过 Pro/ENGINEER 操作软件建立起三维仿真模型分析机构是否存在干涉。对机构进一步优化,使其更能满 足实际的使用要求。69537

    毕业论文关键词 房车 双棘轮 强度校核 Pro/ENGINEER

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title The Design of a RV Handbrake--Double Ratchet Structure Design and Analysis


    RV travel becomes more and more popular as a new kind way of travel.RV is required to maximize the use of the interior space.Rotatable seat is widely used as a effective measure,but there will be interference with the handbrake mechanism in the driving area.

    To solve the interference,Design a dual ratchet mechanism handbrake,it has a second locking mechanism which can lock for long when the parking brake lever down.To improve the design of the handbrake on the basis of the structure of the original chassis and parking brake lever in an RV,draw the mechanical processing charts,make the dynamic analysis and strength check of the mechanism,and build the three-dimensional simulation model to operating if there is interference in mechanism through Pro/ENGINEER software.Further optimization of the mechanism, so that it can meet the actual use requirements.

    Keywords  RV(Recreational Vehicle)  dual ratchet  strength check Pro/ENGINEER

    本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

    1 引言 1

    1.1 驻车制动器的概念与作用 1

    1.2 驻车制动器的类型 1

    1.3 驻车制动器的性能要求 6

    1.4 课题研究背景及主要内容 7

    2 手刹机构的总体方案设计 8

    2.1 汽车坡道驻车制动力的计算 8

    2.2 手刹机构的总体设计及计算 10

    2.3 手刹机构各构件的总体设计 13

    2.4 本章小结 13

    3 双棘轮式手刹机构各零件的设计 14

    3.1 手刹底座的设计 14

    3.2 驻车制动杆的设计 16

    3.3 固定棘轮的设计 18

    3.4 活动棘轮的设计

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