

    毕业论文关键词  机械手臂  Pro/E  运动仿真   机电建模


    Title    Design and analysis of a mechanical arm with two degrees of freedom                      


    The mechanical arm as an automation device of the process of automated production used used to grab or move materials, workpiece.It can replace human to do dangerous, boring and repetitive work, reduce human labor intensity, improve labor productivity, and reduce the waste caused by defective rate.The research and development of the mechanical arm directly affects the improvement of the automation production in our country, it is necessary to consider both economic and technical, so it is very meaningful to carry out the research and design of the mechanical arm. In this paper, the design idea and the overall design scheme of two degree of freedom manipulator are presented, and the selection of motor, the design of control scheme and the modeling and Simulation of mechanical and electrical system are presented. In this paper, we use the three-dimensional design software pro/E to design the parts of the manipulator, and use the Pro/E modeling , and to adjust and improve. Then put it into the ADAMS to carry out the dynamic simulation, the use of Matlab for mechanical and electrical system modeling. And the results were analyzed and evaluated. 

    Keywords  mechanical arm    pro/E   dynamic simulation   mechanical and electrical system modeling

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 机械臂的发展 1

    1.2 机械臂的组成、分类、基本形式 1

    1.2.1 机械臂的分类 1

    1.2.2 机械臂的基本形式 1

    2 机械臂的总体设计方案 3

    2.1 机械臂的总体设计思想 3

    2.2 两自由度机械臂的设计方案 3

    2.3 机械臂的用途与设计参数 4

    3 两自由度机械臂的三维模型设计 5

    3.1 机械臂零件建模 5

    3.1.1 机械臂旋转关节模型设计 5

    3.1.2 机械臂其他零件三维模型模型 11

    3.2 机械臂的虚拟装配 12

    4 两自由度机械臂的动力学仿真 14

    4.1 Pro/E到ADAMS的传递 14

    4.2 两自由度机械臂的动力学仿真分析 14

    4.2.1 定义材料属性

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