        Terminal cutting machine - feeding work station design
    Abstract : Terminal cutting machine mainly for terminal plating material with good conduct feeding, folding and fixed-length cut . There are feeding part , cutting part , power folding part , electronically controlled part and the like. Fast cutting cutting machine according to the instruction by the high degree of automation , simple operation. Many terminal devices is cut using cutting industry .
    The content is designed to feed the terminal cutting machine work station parts. The work station is the first major step , the main terminal to complete automatic feeding, in order to meet the needs of bending and cutting work stations. Timing diagram should be developed to ensure reasonable feeding, cutting , bending three processes noninterference , design -driven solutions deliver the material part and mechanical structure , control scheme designed to ensure the normal operation of the timing diagram . The main solution to the automatic feeding and length adjustable length feeding problems , can automatically control the feeding, cutting , bending process right timing to ensure that the first feeding, then bend the crop , and the sensors and PLC controller with each other , do all affect each process and improve productivity. Conclusion that can work station for feeding terminal cutter selection and use for reference.
    Keywords : Terminal cutters ; feeding work stations ; timing diagram ; fixed-length feeding ; PLC.
    1绪论    1
    1.1 端子与端子裁切机    1
    1.2 什么是端子裁切机    2
    1.3裁切机的种类    2
    1.4裁切机特点    2
    1.5 裁切机的发展趋势    3
    1.6 自动送料装置的分类    3
    2. 端子裁切机控制方案设计    4
    2.1时序图的设计原则    4
    2.2端子裁切机工作时序图    4
    2.3 工作时序图的实现    6
    2.3.1 PLC工作原理    6
    2.3.2 PLC功能特点    7
    2.3.3光电传感器的概述    8
    2.3.4 光电传感器的工作原理    8
    2.3.5光电传感器的分类和工作方式    9
    2.3.6 工作时序图的实现方案    9
    3.送料工站机构设计    11
    3.1 送料驱动方案设计    11
    3.1.1气压传动和液压传动的选择    11
    3.2 气动送料装置工作原理    15
    3.3 送料的长度要求与可调性    16
    3.4 拨料爪的设计    18
    3.5 送料工站的导向机构设计    16
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