     Bioreactor with a stirring device
    Abstract: the biological reactor is the device of providing biological activity environment , is the key equipment in the process of biological reaction.Based on the introduction of the subject, this thesis  introduces the significance of its research, it also describes the development direction of mixing equipment and its maintenance and repair;Then the reactor was designed on the structure and strength, and Components of the mixing device, transmission device,the sealing device was calculated or selected.With the progress of biotechnology, biological reactor has been widely used in a variety of industries, it must designed to be the premise of no polluting the environment, combined with new technology, as far as possible.
    Key words: Bioreactor;Structure;Strength;Design
    带搅拌装置的生物反应器    1
    1 绪论    2
    1.1 课题介绍    2
    1.2 课题研究的意义    2
    1.3 国内外研究进展及发展趋势    3
    1.3.1 国内发展    3
    1.3.2 国外发展    5
    2 生物反应器结构设计计算    7
    2.1确定几何尺寸    7
    2.1.1计算罐体的内径    7
    2.1.1确定封头的形式及尺寸    9
    2.2夹套尺寸计算    10
    2.3搅拌容器强度计算    10
    2.3.1计算条件    10
    2.3.2罐体筒体,封头壁厚计算    11
    2.3.3 夹套筒体,封头壁厚计算    12
    2.4稳定性校核(按外压校核罐体厚度)    13
    2.4.1罐体筒体名义厚度    13
    2.4.2罐体封头名义厚度    14
    2.3.5水压试验校核    14
    2.3.4夹套水压试验    15
    2.4 罐体、夹套结构尺寸    16
    3反应器的附件选型与尺寸计算    17
    3.1设备法兰的设计    17
    3.1.2密封面形式的选型    17
    3.1.3垫片的设计    18
    3.1.4螺栓、螺母和垫圈的尺寸规格    18
    3.1.5法兰、垫片、螺栓、螺母、垫圈的材料    19
    3.2支座    19
    3.2.1支座的选型    19
    3.2.2支座载荷计算    20
    3.2.3支座弯矩计算    22
    3.3人孔的确定    23
    3.4视镜的确定    24
    3.4设备工艺接口    25
    3.4.1工艺接管的设计    25
    3.4.2 接管垫片尺寸及材质    27
    3.5开孔补强    28
    4反应器的搅拌装置    30
    4.1搅拌器的选型    30
    4.2挡板    30
    5反应器的传动装置    31
    5.1电动机的选型    31
    5.2减速机类型、标准及其选用    32
    5.3 凸缘法兰的选择    32
    5.4安装底盖    33
    5.5机架    34
    5.6联轴器    35
    5.7搅拌轴的设计    36
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