       关键词:主接线   短路电流   设备选型  防雷接地
         This design is mainly aimed at the traction substation of 220kV bilateral power supply one or two part design and research, the main job of traction substation is a main connection design and electrical equipment selection. Among them main connection design includes the Lord wiring scheme design and choice, must comply with the main electrical wiring basic requirements and basic design principles. Electrical equipment selection includes the choice of main transformer, the calculation of short-circuit current, insulation equipment inspection is mainly about electrical equipment dynamic stability, heat stability, switch equipment selection and calibration, and for indoor and outdoor bus, each support insulator and wear wall bushing, voltage, current mutual-inductance of the selection and calibration, choice and calibration arresters. arresters lightning-proof grounding.finally is the the main wiring diagram, foundation design drawing and the two design.
        Keywords: Lord wiring  short-circuit current  equipment selection   lightning-proof grounding
    一  绪论    5
    1.1 课题研究背景    5
    1.2 电气化铁路国内外现状    5
    1.3 发展趋势    6
    1.4 工作要求    6
    二  总体方案设计    3
    2.1 牵引变电所概述    7
    2.2 电气主接线基本要求    7
    2.3 电气主接线基本形式    8
    2.3.1  单母线接线    8
    2.3.2  单母线分段接线    9
    2.3.3  单母线带旁路母线接线    10
    2.3.4  单母线分段带旁路母线接线    10
    2.3.5  双母线接线    11
    2.3.6  双母线分段接线    12
    2.4 主接线方式选择和设计    12
    2.4.1  主接线方式选择    12
    2.4.2  AT牵引变电所主接线设计    13
    2.5 总平面与生产房屋配置    14
    三  变压器选择    15
    3.1主变压器的选择原则    15
    3.2变压器容量计算参数    15
    3.3 变压器容量计算    17
    3.3.1  供电臂1、2平均电流的计算    17
    3.3.2  供电臂1、2的有效电流    19
    3.3.3  变压器容量的确定    19
    3.4 牵引变压器类型的选择    20
    3.4.1  相数与结线选择    20
    3.4.2  类型的选择    20
    四  短路电流计算    23
    4.1 系统的简化等值电路图    23
    4.2 线路阻抗计算    25
    4.3 220KV侧短路电流计算    25
    4.4 27.5KV侧短路电流计算    25
    4.4.1  在9000KVA侧    26
    4.4.2  在8000KVA侧    26
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