


    Abstract Concluding the Motor and drive hub, tensioner, speed wheel assembly, pulley assembly, return wheel assembly, track, barrier platforms, steel and other components, the traction system structure of the powertrain of vehicle crash testing laboratory meet the test requirements of frontal collision by 1.8 tons car with the method using motor traction rope. According to the design requirements,a designed idea and method of was proposed to determine the overall layout and the overall program of the traction system and define the final program after detailed design and check of parts of car. Two rotating drive rotor hub driven by DC motor after energizing drive rope movement. Towing dolly fixed on a wire drive the test car on the rail straight line acceleratively until obstacle crashed by the test car with a fixed speed. By Three-dimensional modeling,it verify the feasibility of the traction system. The results showed that the structural design of traction system is reasonable and it is able to meet the design requirements. 

    Keywords: wire rope; vehicle crash; Traction system;crash laboratory


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 序言 1

    1.2 国内外碰撞试验发展状况 1

    1.3 本文研究的内容 2

    第二章 汽车碰撞试验用牵引系统的机械方案设计 3

    2.1 牵引系统设计 3

    2.2 总体布局 4

    2.3 牵引系统的工作方式 5

    第三章 运动分析 6

    3.1 加速阶段的运动分析 6

    3.2 牵引系统力学分析 8

    3.3 主要零部件选取 11

    3.3.1 选用电机 11

    3.3.2钢丝绳选型 12

    3.3.3 绳槽设计 13

    第四章 牵引系统的具体方案设计 14

    4.1 牵引系统设计 14

    4.2 轨道设计 14

    4.3 钢丝绳导轮设计 15

    4.3.1 滑轮总装设计 15

    4.3.2 回程轮总装设计 16

    4.3.3 测速轮总装设计 18

    4.4 固定壁障设计

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