
    摘  要这次设计可以说是我的最后一次作业,为了更好的完成这次设计,查阅一些资料和手册,从而进一步加深对模具设计这方面的了解。


    毕业论文关键词:模具设计  UG  autoCAD  Moldflow

    Design of injection mold of automobile remote controller


    This design can be said to be my last job, in order to better complete the design, access to some information and manuals, so as to further deepen the understanding of this aspect of the mold design. 

    When to get the plastic parts, the first is to measure the size of it, and record the measurement data, according to the plastic parts measurements using UG modeling, then using UG secondary to the mold design. The contents of design of plastic parts process analysis to determine the plastic pieces of cavity number, choose appropriate injection machine number, choose the suitable parting surface, design of core and cavity, Design gating system and molding parts design. and so on. Mold design completed preliminary, to draw the assembly drawing of the parts, to the input of 2 d assembly drawing in UG autoCAD, using autoCAD draw the assembly drawing of the parts. Finally, mold flow analysis was carried out on the mould, check the problems of mold design, and correct them. At this point, the end of the work.

    Key Words:  mold design  UG  autoCAD   Moldflow

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    绪论 1

    第1章 塑件分析 3

    1.1 塑件成型结构的分析 3

    1.2塑件材料的选择 4

    1.3 塑件尺寸精度分析 5

    1.4 塑件脱模斜度的选择 5

    1.5 ABS的注射工艺参数 5

    第2章 注射机的型号选择和校核 7

    2.1 估算单个塑件体积和质量 7

    2.2 初定塑件的型腔数目 7

    2.3 注塑机的选取 8

    2.4 型腔的布局 8

    2.5 锁模力的校核 9

    第3章 分型面的选择与浇注系统设计 10

    3.1 分型面的确定 10

    3.2 浇注系统的设计 10

       3.3.1 主流道 11

       3.3.2 分流道 12

       3.3.3 浇口 12

    第4章 成型零部件设计 13

    4.1 成型零部件的结构设计 13

    4.2 成型零部件工作尺寸的计算

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