    Pneumatic full of movement of the reciprocating cycle special pneumatic valve design
      Abstract:With the development of the society, the function of air pressure gradually known by people. Pneumatic actuators are mainly used to make linear reciprocating motion. Most application in engineering practice, this form of exercise, such as many machinery and equipment of the transmission device, product processing on the work piece feeding, positioning and clamping work piece, work piece assembly and material forming, machining, etc are linear motion form. But some pneumatic actuators can make rotation movement, such as the oscillating cylinder (swinging Angle of up to 360.). In pneumatic technology application range, in addition to the individual circumstances, to do linear motion form, whether from the technical or from the perspective of the cost of the cylinder as actuator is the best form to do linear motion, like motor to complete rotation motion. In pneumatic technology, the control of interaction between components and actuators is established on the basis of some simple components. According to mission requirements, these components can be assembled into a variety of system solutions. Due to aerodynamic control agencies or equipment greatly improve the mechanization degree and can realize fully automated, therefore, pneumatic technology in automation has made a significant contribution to the "cheap". In fact, a single of pneumatic components, such as various types of cylinder and control valve) can be as modular components, this is because the pneumatic components must be combined, to form a control loop used to complete a particular job. Broadly speaking, pneumatic equipment can be applied to any engineering field. Pneumatic equipment is often by a small amount of pneumatic components and several basic loop combinations.
    This paper is to study how to achieve the reciprocating cycle movement of the cylinder, and the control system used by the control system for gas. Pneumatic full of movement of the reciprocating cycle are introduced in this special pneumatic valve design thought, working principle and structural characteristics.
    Keywords:Reciprocating cycle movement; Gas control; Special valve
    1 绪论6
    1.1  研究方向6
    1.2  文献综述6
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