

    毕业论文关键词:冲压发动机 ,增程炮弹,流场分析,数值模拟


    Title  Design and Simulation of Large Diameter Fin-Stabilized Solid Fuel RamjetAssisted Projectile


    Scramjet has many advantages such as relatively simple structure, light weight, small volume, and in esteem than the big, low cost. Among them in such aspects as range and cost-effectiveness than are the advantages of other types of ammunition can't replace. So to stamping the extended range of flow field analysis is very necessary. The study in addition to design the pneumatic structure of 45 mm stamping shell outside to stamping extended range projectile by using fluent software in a variety of working conditions of flow field numerical simulation and comparison analysis is made. And analysis of the stamping part extended range projectile aerodynamic characteristics.In this paper, first of all, according to the structural characteristics of stamping extended range projectile two-dimensional flow field numerical simulation model is established, the stamping extended range projectile on the numerical simulations of the flow field around a stamping got 45 mm shells with chemical reaction of two-dimensional flow field structure analysis of 45 mm stamping extended range projectiles is studied shunt field structure characteristics and quality.

    Keywords: stamping engine, extended range projectiles, the flow field analysis, numerical simulation of the aerodynamic characteristics analysis

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景意义 1

    1.2  固体燃料冲压炮弹的类型及特点 2

    1.3  计算流体力学 4

    1.4  研究的主要方向及其内容 4

    2  固体燃料冲压发动机气动结构的设计方法 5

    2.1  固体燃料冲压发动机基本结构 5

    2.2  进气道的分类以及设计方法 5

    2.2.1  进气道的分类 5

    2.2.2  进气道的设计 7

    2.3  唇口的设计 7

    2.4  扩压段的设计 8

    2.4.1  超声速扩压段设计 8

    2.4.2  亚声速进气道设计 9

    2.5  燃烧室设计 10

    2.6  喷管设计 12

    2.7  设计结果 14


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