    摘要钣金件是一种广泛应用于汽车中的结构件,本课题针对某汽车钣金结构 件设计一套冲压模具,首先设计汽车结构件冲压总体方案,使用 dynaform 软件进 行模具冲压仿真,对整个制件成型过程进行冲压仿真分析,准确预测钣金件的成 型过程、厚度变化、应力应变和金属流动情况,从而为模具设计提供最佳方案。 使用 solidworks 软件分别设计凸模、凹模、定位装置、卸料装置和固定结构,完 成模具结构设计。依照汽车结构件的形状、精度、大小、工艺要求以及 dynaform 软件钣金分析所得到的设计参数,按照相应的设计步骤,最终完成某汽车结构件 冲压模具的全部设计。最后绘制总体方案图和部分零、部件工程图纸。68491

    毕业论文关键词 结构件 冲压模具设计 钣金件 solidworks dynaform

    Title Stamping die design and forming simulation of the   Automobile parts



    The sheet metal parts is widely used in automobiles, this topic researches on designing a stamping die for automobile sheet metal structure . First design the method of processing automobile structural components,using the DYNAFORM software to simulate and analyze the molding process, accurate prediction the forming process ,Thickness variation, strain and metal flow of sheet metal, so as to provide the best plan for die design.using the SolidWorks software to design the punch and die, positioning device,discharge device and fixed structure, completed the design of the die structure.according to automobile structure shape,size, precision, process requirements and The design parameters from DYNAFORM software for sheet metal analysis, in accordance with the relevant design process, finish all the design of the car parts stamping die. Finally draw overall plans and some of the engineering drawings.




    Keywords Structural parts Stamping die design Sheet metal parts solidworks dynaform



    1 绪论 1

    1.1 钣金加工与模具设计 1

    1.1.1 钣金件与冲压加工 1

    1.1.2 冲压模具 1

    1.2 论文的选题背景和意义 2

    1.3 论文的主要研究内容 2

    1.4 拟采用的研究手段(途径) 3

    2 冲压件的工艺性分析及工艺过程设计 3

    2.1 冲压件材料的选择 4

    2.2 冲压件的尺寸的精度与公差 4

    2.3 冲压件的结构工艺性 5

    2.4 冲压件的工艺过程设计

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