
    摘要装配工艺是生产制造中决定产品制造周期和产品质量的关键环节,特别是在产品复杂、技术要求高的情况下。工艺装备是装配过程中必不可少的,是为了保证装配质量,提高装配效率。CQ 7.62mm通用机枪是一款优秀的枪械,其机匣部件采用方形冲铆工艺制成,强度与可靠性很好,其结构稍复杂,技术要求高,很具有代表性。机匣装配工艺编制及工装设计是实现机匣高质量、高效率装配的基础。本课题通过研究CQ 7.62mm通用机枪的产品结构图、机匣部件的装配图和机匣零部件的工程图,详细了解该枪机匣部件装配所需的技术要求,参考生产车间现有的装配工艺和工艺装备,在机匣部件结构特点和技术要求进行分析的基础上,重新编制其装配工艺,并利用UG三维建模软件设计出相应的工艺装备。69436

    毕业论文关键词  装配工艺  工艺装备  机枪机匣   三维建模


    Title    A receiver’s assembly process planning   and process equipment designing        


    The assembly technology is the critical step in manufacturing that determine the production cycle and the production quality,especially in the complex product and high technical requirements situations.Process equipment is integrant to ensure assembly quality and increase assembly efficiency in assembly process.The CQ7.62mm general-purpose machine gun is a good gun,the receiver is a square stamping production have good strength and reliability.It is a complex shape andhigh technical representative part.The step of the receiver assembly technology and the tooling design is the basis to improve the   quality and the assembly efficiency.This article studies the CQ7.62mm general-purpose machine gun structure drawing,the assembly and the drawing of the receiver,got to know the gun receiver assembly tech-nical requirements.And refer to existing assembly technology and equipment and analyze the structural features and the assembly technical requirements to rework the assembly technology and use UG to reb-uild the assemble equipment.

    Keywords  Assembly technology  Process equipment  Receiver   3D Model


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题的来源和意义 1

    1.2  装配工艺设计的流程和特点 2

    1.3  计算机辅助装配发展概况 3

    1.4  论文的内容结构介绍 4

    2  装配工艺基础 5

    2.1  装配工作的组织形式 5

    2.2  装配工作的一般原则 6

    2.3  装配顺序的确定 7

    2.4  装配工序及装配工步的划分 7

    2.5  装配单元的划分与系统 7

    3  CQ 7.62mm通用机枪机匣装配工艺分析 9

    3.1  产品结构分析 9

    3.2  机匣装配难点解决方案 12

    3.3  机匣装配系统图 13

    4  CQ 7.62mm通用机枪机匣装配工艺规程编制 14

    4.1  机匣左侧板组件装配工艺规程 14

    4.2  机匣右侧板组件装配工艺规程

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