

    毕业论文关键词  气动技术 机械手  自动装配  生产线  PLC


    Title    Study on the production line of structure design and control of automatic assembly parts                     



    With the social development and the continuous progress of industrial technology, manipulator has been widely used in production. Modern automatic control of industrial robots is a field of a new technology. Because a positive development effects are becoming increasingly recognized: it is able to partly replace the manual operation; in accordance with production requirements, and directed by certain procedures, time and location to transfer or handle the workpieces. It is also e the necessary equipment for welding and assembly. It has greatly improved the working conditions of workers, and significantly raised labor productivity, and promoted the automation of industrial production. This subject is about a manipulator used in production assembly line to complete assembly work. It is automatic controlled with multi-function, multi-degree of freedom .Its entire structure consists of the implementing agencies, drive system, control system and other components. 

    Keywords  Pneumatic technology   Manipulator   Automatic assembly Production line  PLC

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景、目的及意义 1

    1.2 国内外对于自动装配生产线的发展现状 1

    1.2.1机械手的定义 1

    1.2.2 机械手的系统工作原理 1

    1.2.3 气动机械手 2

    1.2.4 国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.5气动机械手的发展趋势 3

    1.3 本课题需要研究的任务 3

    2 自动装配生产线总体方案设计 4

    2.1任务分析 4

    2.1.1自动装配生产线设计要求 4

    2.1.2 对于设计要求的解决方案 4

    2.2 自动装配生产线的气动回路 5

    2.2.1 气动机械手及冲压装置结构布置 5

    2.2.2 气动机械手及冲压装置的动作顺序分析 5

    2.3 气动元件的选型 6

    2.3.1 机械手1气爪的选型 6

    2.3.2 机械手1伸摆气缸的选型 8

    2.3.3 机械手2吸盘的选型 13

    2.3.4 机械手2摆动气缸的选型

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