    摘要:本设计的产品分为三种:Gr15微型轴承套圈、9Cr18微型轴承套圈、W6Mo5Cr4V2微型轴承套圈年产量分别为95万kg、4万kg和1万kg。通过在上海天安轴承有限公司热处理车间考察微型轴承产品的生产工艺流程,热处理设备操作过程和工艺制度,以及车间的平面布置,就年产100万kg微型轴承套圈的热处理生产量进行了热处理工艺设计、设备选型、车间的人员安排、生产线的改造设计以及热处理车间布置的平面设计。通过计算选取WZC—45真空炉1台、 CHX-36-2回火炉1台、WZC—20油真空炉1台、WZH—20回火炉1台、RGWM200—9网带式炉1台、DW8—0.45冷冻箱1台、SCQ—2400B清洗机1台、SS—8型喷砂机2台、LDG120B型光饰机2台,车间工作人员14人,车间面积780m2,热处理车间的年用电量约为1521192 kw•h/年,年用水量为24000 m3,甲醇的消耗量约为6334200 ml。可满足年产100万kg微型轴承的热处理需要。21320
    毕业论文关键字: 微型轴承;热处理;车间设计
    Workshop Design of heat Treatment for micro-bearings production with 1000000kg per year
    Abstract:The heat treatment shop which I design could produce three products:950000kg GCr15 micro-bearings per year、40000kg 9Cr18 micro-bearings per year and 10000kgW6Mo5Cr4V2 micro-bearings per year. Through the heat treatment shop of Shanghai Tian An corporation to review the producing technique flow of micro-bearings products,the operation process of heat treatment equipment and technique system, and the plane disposal of the workshop. To the heat treatment output of the micro-bearings rings production with 1000000kg per year,I did with the technique design of heat treatment, arranging the personnel, choosing the equipment,design the product line and the plane design of heat treatment shop disposal. Eventually, the calculated decision we choose 1set WZC - 45 vacuum furnaces, 1set CHX - 36 - 2 the stove, 1 set WZC - 20 oil vacuum furnaces, 1 set WZH - 20 the stove, 1 set RGWM 200 - 9 Web belt furnace, 1 set DW 8 - 0.45 freezer, 1 set SCQ - 2400 B washing machine, 2 sets SS - Type 8 sandblasting machine, 2 sets 120 LDG B optical polishing machine to meet the need for the shop staff 14 people, the shop area is 780m2 and heat treatment shop a year is about 1521192 kw • h per year, the amount of water to 24,000 m3 and methanol consumption is approximately 6334200 ml, and this is the subject of the Design Heat Treatment shop in general.
    Keyword:  miniature bearing;heat treatment ;shop design  
    1.文献综述    1
    1.1概述    1
    1.2国内外微型轴承行业发展现状    1
    1.3上海天安轴承有限公司简介    3
    1.4热处理车间设计    4
    1.5本课题设计的目的及意义    6
    2 热处理生产车间生产任务和生产纲领    8
    2.1 生产任务    8
    2.2 生产纲领    8
    3 车间工作制度及年时基数    9
    3.1 工作制度    9
    3.2 年时基数    9
    4 工艺设计    11
    4.1 工艺设计的基本原则    11
    4.2 工艺设计的内容    11
    4.3 零件技术要求分析    11
    4.4 热处理工艺方案的制定    12
    5 车间设备的选型与计算    18
    5.1 热处理设备的选型与计算    18
    5.2 辅助设备的选型与计算    23
    6 车间的组织和人员    27
    6.1 车间的管理组织    27
    6.2 车间的人员    27
    7 车间的平面布置    29
    7.1 热处理车间平面布置的原则    29
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