    Design of Main Drive and Test System of Metal Strip Rolling mill  
    Abstract:At present,along with national economy high speed development,iron and steel enterprise also swift and violent development.The belt-shaped steel becomes more widespread,for example:Workshop equipment,mechanical device,bridge highway and so on.Thus,the apply of Four high rolling mill which is used for rolling thin metal belt is also more and more widespread.The design of the design mainly includes: the choice and design of the motor, coupling ,reducer and Gear stand,the design of the system and the universal connection of the axis of selection and test system design, etc. The design process in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and mechanical design criteria for design. Gear reduction system is the focus of this design, the design of the mechanical design reference manual for the precise design, and check the strength.The universal pick axis and the choice of the sensor in the test system are also the design key point.The design of Four high rolling mill structure is simple and inexpensive to use and in line with the design requirements, mainly for the processing chain for the volume of the material plate designed. Can be processed to ensure good product performance, high surface finish, plate type, high precision and to meet the requirements. keywords: The thin strip rolling mill;Design of main drive and test system; Universal connection axis;
    1 绪论1
    1.1 前言1
    1.2 项目背景2
    1.3设计的研究范围  3  
    2 设计方案的确定3
    2.1 课题中的主要重点及解决方案3
    2.2 轧机主传动系统拟定的一般原则 4
    2.3 确定最终的传动方案5
    3 金属薄带轧机主传动系统的设计6
    3.1 电动机的选择与设计7
    3.1.2 电动机功率的选择与计算8
    3.1.3 选择电动机的型号9
    3.2 联轴器的选择与设计 10
    3.3 键联接的选择与设计12
    3.3.1 键类型的选择12
    3.3.2 键类型的强度校核计算12
    3.4.1 选择减速器齿轮的类型14
    3.4.2 选择减速器齿轮的级数15
    3.4.3 确定减速器型号15
    3.5 齿轮座的选择与设计15
    3.5.1 选择齿轮座的类型15
    3.5.2 齿轮座倾翻力矩和固定螺栓的计算16
    3.6 传动轴的选择与设计20
    3.6.1 滑块式万向联接轴结构设计20
    3.6.2 滑块式万向接头的受力分析和强度计算21
    4 金属薄带轧机测试系统的设计23
    4.1 测试技术的概述•23
    4.1.1 实时计算机测试系统的组成24
    4.1.2 传感器的组成24
    4.1.3 信号调理24
    4.1.4 计算机数据采集系统25
    4.2 传感器的功能28
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