


    毕业论文关键词  金属切削机床  主轴箱设计  传动系统  装配图


    Title         The Design of CA6140 Lathe Spindle Box   

    Abstract In the long-term practice of production,Metal Cutting Machine Tool has developed on the base of human rebuilding the nature and improving the generative tools.By the way of cutting,metal rough materials can be produced into machine parts,it is the machine that could make machines. The CA6140 Machine Tool could do various of turning,and can machining Metric,English, Modulus and diametrer pitch whorl, so it could be used more and more widely in all fields.

    First of all, the basic concept of Metal Cutting Machine Tool and its development status at home and abroad are introduced in this paper. Meanwhile,the function, integral part of spindle box and the point of parts is described also. According to the requirements of the subject and the design parameters, the design of the main transmission is given.Finally, the calculation and checking of the main axis, gears, bearings in the spindle box is given in detail. At last, the assembly drawings of axis and spindle box is given also.

    Keywords  Metal Cutting Machine Tool  Spindle box design  Transmission System   Assembly drawing

    1 绪论5

    1.1 课题介绍6

    1.2 CA6140车床简介7

    1.3 CA6140主轴箱介绍8

    1.4 选题依据8

    1.5 CA6140车床主轴箱设计的意义8

    1.6 研究内容及方法8


    2 传动方案及传动系统图的拟定10

    2.1 电动机的选择10

    2.2 传递路线及转速图的拟定10

    3 主轴箱主轴部件的设计及校核15

    3.1 主轴箱箱体尺寸的确定15

    3.2 传动轴Ⅰ各主要部件的设计及校核16

    3.3 传动轴Ⅱ各主要部件的设计及校核30

    3.4 传动轴Ⅲ各主要部件的设计及校核34

    3.5 传动轴Ⅳ各主要部件的设计及校核38

    3.6 传动轴Ⅴ各主要部件的设计及校核42

    3.7 传动轴Ⅵ各主要部件的设计及校核47




    1 绪论

    1.1 课题简介


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