





    毕业论文关键词:仿形车床  液压系统  电气  随动仿形


    This article focuses on vertical hydraulic copying lathe hydraulic system, the hydraulic system can realize the work cycle is: fast forward to feed and fast return work, stop in situ, hydraulic technology is mechanical equipment in one of the fastest growing technology, and hydraulic copying technique is a branch of hydraulic technology, because in recent years, with microelectronics, computer technology, hydraulic technology has entered a new stage of development, and further improve hydraulic components manufacturing technology, hydraulic technology not only as a basic form of traditional technology in occupies an important status and more with good static and dynamic performance has become an important means of control. 

    In mass production, the use of hydraulic servo profiling system to copy shape more complex parts processing, namely easy to guarantee the processing quality, and can greatly improve productivity, reduce labor intensity. If equipped with automatic loading and unloading mechanism, single machine automation can be realized. 

    The hydraulic system design, in addition to meet the host outside the action and the requirements of the performance, also must conform to the small volume, light weight, low cost, high efficiency, simple structure, reliable operation, use and maintenance is convenient wait for a few accepted common design principles. The design of the hydraulic copying system mainly is according to the known conditions, to determine the hydraulic work scheme, hydraulic flow rate, pressure and the design of the hydraulic pump and other components. 

  1. 上一篇:管状带式输送机的设计
  2. 下一篇:料斗冷冲模模具设计
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