


    Abstract  The graduation project is about pipe belt conveyor design. The first is the introduction of centralized pipe belt conveyor type, and by collecting extra data to the domestic and foreign made a comparison belt; Then under the "new pipe belt conveyor design manual" and band conveyor pipe conveyor relevant information on the parts and components to understand; then calculated based on these design criteria and selection method in accordance with the requirements of the given parameter selection and design. The main structure of the pipe belt conveyor consists of six major components: the feed zone, into a round device, curved arcs, vertical section, unloading segment and return segments. My main elements of this design is still in the drive selection, the structure and the tail roller hydraulic tensioning device OK.Currently, pipe conveyor is moving long distances, environmental protection, low-friction direction. The conveyor design, manufacture and application, we now compared with foreign advanced level there is still a wide gap between the design and manufacture of conveyor domestic process there are many deficiencies.

    Keywords:pipe belt conveyor;roller;main components;   hydraulic system;driving device

    目 录

    第一章  绪论 1

    第二章 圆管带式输送机的概述 2

    2.1 圆管带式输送机的应用 2

    2.2 圆管带式输送机的分类 2

    2.3 各种圆管带式输送机的特点 3

    2.4 圆管带式输送机的发展 4

    2.5 圆管带式输送机的工作原理 4

    2.6 圆管带式输送机的结构和布置形式 4

    2.6.1 圆管带式输送机的结构 4

    2.6.2 布置方式 5

    第三章 圆管带式输送机的计算 6

    3.1 已知原始数据及工作条件 7

    3.2 计算步骤 7

    3.2.1带宽的确定 9

    3.2.2设计线路布置参数 10

    3.3初步设计计算 11

    3.3.1主要阻力计算 11

    3.4传动功率计算 15

    3.4.1传动功率轴(pa)计算 15

    3.4.2电动机功率计算 17

    3.5 输送带张力计算

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