

    毕业论文关键词:刮板输送机 装配仿真 三维造型

     Abstract    Scraper conveyor is an important part of food transport. It Plays an important role in the transport of soybean, corn and other food crops. The main components are: head power part, scraper chain, the tail section and the middle baffle. The motor drives the main shaft to rotate through the chain wheel shaft, and drives the scraper chain. Scraper chain driven by food, and to promote the food with the scraper together forward movement through the friction between the grain crops, in order to achieve the transmission effect. Design and manufacture of the scraper conveyor covers the motion conversion, power transmission, the transmission mechanism of casting forging, content structure design of mechanical design and manufacturing process. After the analysis, selection of scraper conveyor as my graduation project, so it can more comprehensive study by the application of knowledge and skills, analysis and calculation, structure selection, drawing skills and basic knowledge of manufacturing comprehensive application of mechanical design, to our knowledge, summaries, an intensive training and promotion of the comprehensive application of knowledge, skills, are beneficial. In this paper from the point of actual engineering, the design of conveyor 3D overall train of thought, a detailed discussion of the implementation method of the scraper conveyor overall shape, assembly, assembly simulation, interference detection and motion simulation, to achieve the establishment of three dimensional model of scraper conveyor.

    Keywords: Scraper conveyor assembly simulation 3Dmodeling 


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 论文的研究背景 1

    1.2 刮板输送机的发展 2

    1.3  本论文的主要研究内容 3

    1.4  刮板输送机的基本结构与工作原理 3

    1.5  刮板输送机三维设计平台选择 4

    第二章  刮板输送机的选型计算 6

    2.1  设计原始参数和要求 6

    2.2 运输生产能力计算 7

    2·3 最大铺设长度计算 8

    2·4 链条张紧力的计算 9

    2·4 电动机功率的计算 10

    第三章 刮板输送机三维整体设计

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