




    毕业论文关键词: 减震器  试验台 机械设计

    Abstract For domestic motorcycle shock absorber performance test standards include: damping, friction, static load test, etc., and for foreign manufacturers, motorcycle shock absorber must go through a comprehensive test of strength and durability. Motorcycle shock absorber is to absorb impact energy attenuation device, decided to motorcycle bearing capacity and reduce turbulence caused by the uneven terrain for driver and body and riders of inertia force, ensure smooth line of the vehicle and comfort.

    In recent years, the motorcycle industry rapid development, high-grade and luxurious model has become the main trend of the development of motorcycle industry today. And whether the motorcycle ride comfort, safety becomes more and more become the focus of attention. As one of the key parts of motorcycle shock absorbers, and its role is to alleviate the motorcycle on the road, because road uneven impact and vibration, ensure vehicle ride comfort and safety. Its performance directly affects the quality and performance of the vehicle. Shock absorber performance test is to measure shock absorber performance is good or bad, the quality of necessary means, is indispensable to the production of motorcycle testing process, the test technology and method has been increasingly brought to the attention of the mechanics. And shock absorber performance test rig is essential to the shock absorber performance test equipment, the technical content is high and low, level directly affects the shock absorber design and improvement. Many advanced technologies are references to the design of test-bed, greatly improves the test accuracy and efficiency. Shock absorber test-bed design overall thought is: advanced, practical, reliable, and put as much of the high and new technology for the system's overall design, enhance the automation of test rig, reduce the labor intensity of the tester, improve work efficiency.

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