

    本论文首先阐述了机器人的发展概况。接着,对目前国内外爬行机器人的应用、发展进行了阐述。然后,对本文设计的六足爬行机器人的控制电路、机械构件、驱动装置等模块进行了设计。其中,机械结构着重介绍了步态分析、选材、制作、构件设计等方面的情况。控制电路中还包括了火焰传感器、无线通讯的应用扩展设计。 在对六足爬行机器人的研究中还包含了很多仿生学方面的知识,针对生物的行为步态来设计六足机器人的运动规划和步态分析,使得六足爬行机器人的设计更加合理。由于在制作过程中条件有限,机器人还有诸多需要改进的地方,在最后提出了六足爬行机器人的提高和改进,并且对爬行机器人的发展作了展望。



    With the development of science and technology, robots are gradually entering our life, the development of robot technology is very rapid and all forms of robots also appear in succession, reptiles’ bionic robot research has become one of the hot areas. This thesis mainly talk about the six-legged crawling robot production, which is based on the bionics, machinery and electronics, control theory of mechanical and electrical products and so on.       

    Firstly the thesis describes the development of robots. Secondly, development and application of crawling robot at home and abroad is also talked about in thesis. Then, the design of six-legged crawling robot in this thesis include the drives module, mechanical components module, control circuit module design. Among them, the mechanical structure module focus on gait analysis, component design, material selection, production and other aspects. Control circuit module, including wireless communications, the expansion of the flame sensor design applications. Research on six-legged robot also includes a lot of knowledge about bionics, gait analysis and robot motion planning according to the biological behavior making the design of six-legged robots more reasonable. In the production process due to limited conditions, the robot also needs to be improved in many places, Finally this thesis produce the improvement and enhancement of the six-legged crawling robot, and prospect the development of crawling robots prospected.

    Keywords: Crawling robot; Rrive device; Mechanical components; Flame sensor; Control circuit

    目    录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 机器人概况 1

    1.1.1 什么是机器人 1

    1.1.2 机器人的组成 1

    1.1.3 机器人的发展史 2

    1.1.4 机器人的分类和用途 4

    1.2 机器人的发展及应用 5

    1.3 本次设计的任务与主要内容 5

    1.4 本章小结 5

    第二章 六足爬行机器人的机械结构 6

    2.1 爬行机器人的驱动装置 6

    2.1.1 舵机的内部结构 6

    2.1.2 舵机的工作原理 6

    2.1.3 舵机的控制方法

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