

    毕业论文关键词  步行训练   减重装置     高度调节   单片机ATmega8

    Title    The  design  of  a  new  electric walking trainer  

    Abstract At present, the Population aging of my country turns more and mare serious,and the people with Lower limb disorders become more and more,but the Lower limb rehabilitation of medical equipments are not mature,especially the Lower limb rehabilitation of medical equipments in standing way are lack,so the Lower limb rehabilitation of medical equipments in standing way need to be developed urgently.For the demand,a new electric walking trainer is designed in this thesis,include the mechanical system design and the control system design,and the overall structure of the walking trainer,the motion drive mechanism, the height adjusting mechanism for weight and the rope mechanism for weight are designed.At the same time, a stepper motor control system based on ATmega8 is builded,the minimum system is designed,the circuit schematics are drawn,the corresponding control programs are written and a software simulation analysis is conducted.In the end,the walking trainer realize the function of free move and bearing a burden,and the height of the system for weight can be adjusted,the tension of the system for weight also can be adjusted.Thus,the function of rehabilitation is realized.

    Keywords:Walking training  System for weight  Height adjustment  ATmega8

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  概述 1

    1.2  国内外下肢康复机器人研究现状 2

    1.3  论文研究内容 8

    1.4  论文组织结构 8

    2  新型电动步行训练器方案设计 10

    2.1  新型电动步行训练器设计要求 10

    2.2  新型电动步行训练器总体构成 10

    2.3  新型电动步行训练器的主要功能和操作方式 12

    2.4  电机选型 12

    3  新型电动步行训练器机械结构设计 15

    3.1  新型电动步行训练器运动驱动机构设计 15

    3.2  新型电动步行训练器减重装置高度调节机构设计 16

    3.3  新型电动步行训练器减重装置拉绳机构设计 22

    3.4  新型电动步行训练器总体结构设计 23

    3.5  新型电动步行训练器三维建模 26

    4  新型电动步行训练器控制系统的设计

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