


    毕业论文关键词: 高速旋转实验平台   三维结构设计


    Title The Three-dimensional Design Of High-speed Rotating Experimental Platform


    A high-speed rotating experimental platform is used to implement the relative motion inside high-speed  rotating parts , simulate its real motion . The high-speed rotating consists of two structures: the base and the head, and the two parts have relative rotation. wherein the head part is rotated by a low-speed motor, the base part is rotated by a high-speed motor. Entire experimental platform mainly consists of low-speed motor, high-speed motor,low-speed transmission,high-speed transmission, the experimental platform, the base .

    Based on what I have learned and access the relevant information, Combined with the existing experimental platform body,the above  structure of the main components of the high-speed rotation experiment platform are designed , the chosen of the motor, shaft component design, gear selection ,and the installation and fixation of the experimental platform .some problems should be considered in the high-speed rotation experimental platform are analyzed,solutions are proposed,and the relevant two-dimensional and three-dimensional pictures are drew.

    Keywords :high-speed rotating experimental platform    three-dimensional Structure design    

    1、引言 1

    1.1选题的科学意义和应用前景 2

    1.2 高速旋转试验机的研制现状 2

    1.3本文的主要工作 4

    1.4绘图软件的选择 4

    1.4.1三维绘图软件的选择 4

    1.4.2二维绘图软件的选择 4

    2高速电机和低速电机的选择 4

    2.1高速端电机的选择 4

    2.1.1高速电机方案的比较与选择 5

    2.1.2高速传动部分电机的外形尺寸 5

    2.2低速端电机的选择 6

    3高速传动装置和低速传动装置的结构设计 7

    3.1联轴器的选择 7

    3.1.1高速端联轴器的选择 7

    3.1.2低速端联轴器的选择 9

    3.2轴承的选择 10

    3.2.1高速端轴承的选择 10

    3.2.1低速端轴承的选择 11

    3.2.1轴承的密封与润滑 11

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