




    Abstract  Process technology has experienced a significant improvement on a world scale with the development of science and technology, along with the maturity of metal cutting technology. It’s known to all that China owns a prosperous shipbuilding industry. In order to satisfy the requirement of actual welding quality, steel plate for shipbuilding section and industrial boiler tends to process the grooves and sides before used. The conventional equipments which handle the process involve gantry milling and large-size planer. However, there are three problems: firstly, the equipment is labor-intensive and under-utilization; secondly, it is hard to guarantee the width and precision of the steel sides; thirdly, a rapid failure of cutter easily appears and it needs frequent maintenance and replacement. Therefore, the customized milling machine for shipbuilding section is designed and it is undoubtedly of realistic significance to improve process efficiency.

        This thesis has explained the design the large milling machine for shipbuilding section. First of all, the scheme design is based on the structure of traditional milling machine. Then the new type conveying mechanism, made up of chains and chain gears, is able to deliver steel plate to fixed positions to mill. Also, conveying devices are installed along both sides of machine tool so that the two sides of steel plate can be milled during one transmission. Finally, it is advised to evaluate the milling machine with finite element analysis and re-optimize the work. In addition, the installation and emulation of virtual prototype by using Pro/e is tested.

        The result shows that this design has met two requests: conveying the steel plate successfully and improving the efficiency. 

    Keywords: Milling machine; Chain whell; Chain; Sheet conveying;

    目  录   

    第一章 绪  论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 高速切削加工发展概况 1

    1.3 普通铣边机简介 2

    1.4 船用铣边机制造的意义 3

    1.5 国内的铣边机行业发展概况 3

    1.6 设计的主要内容和任务 4

    1.6.1 设计提供的要求 4

    1.6.2 设计内容与要求 4

    第二章 工作原理及总体方案设计

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  2. 下一篇:新型育秧制钵机的设计
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