

    毕业论文关键词:育秧制钵机; 三维实体造型; 运动仿真

    Abstract Nursery pot making machine transmission system on the market are more complex, expensive, by research and optimization, coming up with a new design, and effectively improving the performance and productivity of nursery pot making machine.New programme design to the dimensions of the inpidual executive body from the transmission system design and strength check, strictly follows the modern design specification,and analysis and calculation are detailed and accurate. Making most use of bolts and other standard parts in order to short design cycles and reduce manufacturing costs,this paper focuses on the three aspects which contains the technology programs and gear, movement and power design and structural design, so as to make detailed design of the new machine,then drawing out part of the component graphs and assembly diagram.Last draw out vital parts of three dimensional solid modeling and motion simulation of the transmission mechanism. New nursery pot making machine has good performance, and power requirements are not high; it is easy to carry, suitable for widespread use throughout the country. As important measures to facilitate the cultivation of seedlings and raising seedling quality, reasonable design and widely used nursery pot making machine on practical agricultural production is of great realistic significance.

    Keywords:nursery pot making machine; three dimensional solid modeling; motion simulation 


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 育秧钵制钵机概述 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    第二章 工艺方案与传动装置 2

    2.1 工艺方案分析与传动装置确定 2

    2.1.1 手工制育秧钵工艺 2

    2.1.2 老式制育秧钵机 2

    2.1.3 改进后方案确定 3

    2.2 原理图与系统图设计 4

    第三章 运动和动力设计 6

    3.1 电动机的确定 6

    3.2 安排传动机构传动比 7

    3.3 各轴转速和功率确定 8

    第四章 结构设计和尺寸计算 10

    4.1 模孔转盘结构和尺寸 10

    4.1.1 基本尺寸预确定 10

    4.1.2 强度校核 12

    4.2 偏心轮滑杆结构和尺寸 15

    4.2.1偏心距的确定 15

    4.2.2 确定连杆的长度和尺寸

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