



    Abstract For small diesel engine, optimization of diesel engine working process is an important method to improve the performance of the diesel engine. In the work process, the intake system is good or bad is an important factor affecting the combustion process quality. The influence of gas flow in the intake process is very important for the atomization of fuel, oil and gas mixing and combustion process. Taking the 190 diesel engine as an example, the three-dimensional numerical simulation method, the gas in the inlet and exhaust ports in the steady flow was simulated.

    In this paper, the 3D flow in the exhaust system model with three-dimensional modeling software SolidWorks, mesh with mesh tool FAME of FIRE software, three-dimensional grid was established for calculation. Application of CFD software FIRE for 190 diesel engine intake and exhaust process under steady-state conditions is simulated, to obtain the flow gas velocity field, pressure field and temperature field distribution, and then analyzing these parameters corresponding contrast.

    Keywords: Air intake system,  CFD,  The steady-state conditions,  190 Diesel engine


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  概述 1

    1.2  CFD的基本原理 2

    1.3  CFD的应用发展 3

    1.3.1  CFD在国外的应用发展 4

    1.3.2  CFD在国内的应用发展 5

    1.4  课题的内容及意义 5

    第二章  数值模型及流场三维建模 7

    2.1  数值模拟方法的通用流程 7

    2.2  气体流动数值模拟的理论基础 8

    2.2.1  质量守恒方程 8

    2.2.2  动量守恒方程 8

    2.2.3  能量守恒方程 9

    2.3  气体流动数值模拟的计算方法 9

    2.4  流场的三维建模 10

    第三章  模型网格划分 12

    3.1  网格划分简介 12

    3.2  划分网格的方法 12

    3.3  面网格 12

    3.3.1  模型的准备 13

    3.3.2  导入表面网格 13

    3.4  线网格 13

    3.4.1  生成线网格

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