


    主要任务 首先要进行船用柴油机曲轴、连杆三维模型建立析,而后进行工况分析。



    The engine is the heart of the ship and is the most important part, as a link, it is the ability to withstand strong impact pressure and dynamic load stress maximum kinetic important parts, marine diesel engine is most important and is its linkage, so check its Strength is the most important part. Today, in the field of large vessels high-power marine diesel engines  should be widely applied, with the degree of enhancement of marine diesel engine to the remote, long stroke development, marine diesel engine during operation and deliver greater shafting passing loads, torsional vibration in the complex, This allows marine diesel engine shafting torsional vibration ang calculations are more important for researching .

    The main topics of research findings will be resolved dynamometer measurements into the study of piston engines, which will increase the piston-type engine on the design and improvement of old models and lay a good foundation, you can improve engine movement reliability, improve care affordable. It has great reference value and significance.

    Main task must first marine diesel engine crankshaft, connecting rod three-dimensional modeling analysis, and then analyzed for working conditions, the final finite are element analysis and optimization.

    Keywords : rod; strength analysis; finite element

    目  录

    摘    要 3

    第一章 绪论 7

    1.1研究目的与意义 7

    1.2国内外发展现状与趋势 7

    1.3 本课题主要研究任务 8

    1.4有限元对连杆强度分析的重要性 8

    1.5本章小结 9

    第二章  有限元理论 10

    2.1有限元的基本理论 10

    2.2有限元分析一般过程 10

    2.3单元体的选择 11

    2.4有限元方法在连杆强度分析中的应用 12

    2.5  abaqus的简介 13

    2.5.1   ANSA介绍 14

    2.5.2功能特点 16

    2.6本章小结 16

    第三章 三维实体的建立及其系统运动仿真 17

    3.1.零件三维图及连杆装配体 17

    3.2 系统装配体的建立 20

    3.4 运动仿真视频 23


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