


    Abstract  、490 type diesel engine cylinder head is to use HT24-44 cast iron material. Main role is sealing the upper cylinder and combustion chamber (together with the cylinder wall and piston top), a supply of inlet and exhaust system and cooling system, lubrication system as part of the (casting and cooling water, lubricating oil inlet and exhaust tao). The design of the cylinder cover can be used to power the fixed irrigation and drainage, power unit and small diesel engine on the truck. Due to the cylinder head to the body and cylinder head cover bolts under pressure, the gas pressure (mainly the body), produced by the diesel engine working under high temperature, so the design to be threaded stress calculation, analysis of cylinder head is heated, and after the valve channel cross-sectional area and the size of the check. In this paper, including the 490 type diesel engine cylinder head structure and inlet and exhaust valve seat and valve guide and intake and exhaust door channel, channel, water pipe and so on a series of design, three-dimensional modeling and cylinder head.

    Key words:490,  Cylinder head, Design, Pipeline, Size check, Strength check


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 选题的背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状以及存在的问题 2

    1.3  490柴油机气缸盖发展趋势 3

    第二章 气缸盖的设计 4

    2.1气门头部直径、升程和气口尺寸的确定 4

    2.2 气门通路面积及气口尺寸校核 6

    2.2.1 气门通路面积校核 6

    2.2.2气门口尺寸校核 8

    2.3 气门座圈的设计 12

    2.4气门杆杆径的确定 14

    2.5气缸盖结构型式 15

    2.5.1 气缸盖型式选择 15

    2.5.2 进、排气管道的确定 16

    2.5.3 气缸盖的冷却 17

    2.5.4  气缸盖的强度 18

    第三章 气缸盖的建模 21

    3.1 进、排气门的建模 21

    3.2 进排气通道的建模 23

    3.3 喷油管道的绘制 25

    3.4进、排气俩端螺栓座建模 27

    3.5 冷却水道的建模 29

    3.7 气缸盖上下表面螺栓座以及螺栓孔的建模

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