



    Abstract  Comprehensive training professional machinery is reflected in the whole process of design and manufacturing, play a very important role in undergraduate education. Network platform based on the professional training, can make students better grasp of professional and technical requirements, to achieve the goal of teaching. At present, in the network teaching platform has not popularized, for my school is such a teaching platform needs.

          The development of the network teaching platform is the professional teacher many years of experience in comprehensive practice training teaching as a guide, to improve the quality of teaching and mobilize the enthusiasm of students, improve students' autonomous learning for the purpose of. The teaching mode and computer network technology combined with traditional classic. Mainly through the press, engine, steering gear, reducer and other typical product disassembly, modeling, simulation, motion analysis and typical part process planning, fixture design, combing the whole teaching process, the use of a large number of theoretical knowledge, professional photos, video animation and other multimedia elements, examples in detail a complete set method. At the same time also focused on the realization of the add user information, user and administrator login, the task is released, view the task, interaction and administrator management functions 


    Key words: Professional training; teaching platform; product disassembly; NC machining. 


    第一章  绪论

    1.1 引言


    1.3 本文主要工作

    第二章  网络平台架构

    2.1 DREAMWEAR 背景介绍

    2.2 平台架构搭建

    2.2.1 创建和管理站点

    2.2.2 网页的布局

    2.2.3 实训平台功能分析

    2.2.4 动态模块制作 11

    第三章 产品拆装与动态仿真 16

    3.1 摆线针轮减速机 16

    3.1.1摆线针轮减速机的基本概念 16

    3.1.2摆线针轮减速机构造 17

    3.2 摆线针轮减速器动态仿真 20

    3.2.1 摆线针轮减速机装配及动态仿真

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