





    Abstract Scraper conveyor is in an enclosure, by means of moving the scraper chain conveyor dust-like, small particles and small pieces of bulk materials such as continuous conveying equipment, can be horizontal, inclined and vertical transmission.

    For the moment the domestic malt scraper conveyor ubiquitous problem in the manufacture of the machine still lacks a large flexible manufacturing, in order to meet different needs, scraper design laborious; Therefore, we carried out an overview of the program, will be taken measures, and an implementation plan to finalize the program of choice.

    The existing models malt scraper conveyor select a model to simulate the plant needs, and then to carry out a series of design include: airframe design, the design of the drive output, scraper chain design and selection, shaft and sprocket design check and so on. Ways and means in checking the above, I also used the finite element method, and the traditional safety factor analysis method is different, finite element can be more intuitive to see the shafts, gears where the force deformation and size, thereby able to simulate and improve the design of the program.

    Scraper parameterization for a detailed discussion of parametric modular and series come together to achieve, through parts of the series, making the modular components, it can have a highly flexible, suitable for use with a different selection occasions, in the shortest period of time, assemble a new machine, do not need to be customized, time-consuming, not suitable for the market demand.

    Key word  Scraper conveyor;Finite Element Analysis ;Check;modular;Parametric design


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景 1

    1.1.1  研究目的及意义 1

    1.1.2  国内外的发展现状 2

    1.2  FU链式刮板输送机与普通的埋刮板机的区别 2

    1.3  FU链式刮板机的工作原理和特性 3

    1.4  FU链式刮板机的主要结构与特点 4

    1.5  本章小结 6

    第二章 FU链式麦芽输送刮板机运行方案的选择 7

    2.1  传动方案的概述

  1. 上一篇:pro/E麦弗逊式独立悬架的设计及运动仿真
  2. 下一篇:典型产品三维造型与运动仿真及专业实训平台开发
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