

    毕业论文关键词:小型轧机 测试系统 传感器 传动系统


    With the rapid development of modern machinery and testing technology, the role of mechanical engineering testing technology in mechanical engineering becomes more and more important. This thesis is aimed at the small machine on-line detection system design. It mainly includes: The selection of test parameters, the design and selection of the sensor, the determination of location and installation, part of the transformation, the design of the universal coupling spindle’s frame structure, etc. According to the national standard design and design standards manual, I finished the design of this project. Reference in the design of the relevant documents, I achieve the optimal structure designing and strength checking. This system requires can meet in the process of loading test performance and parameters of the specification requirements. Small mill on-line detection system can directly understand the performance of the mill, testing various performance parameters of rolling mill and to analyze the working state of the rolling mill and the new technology under the condition of equipment features, extend bearing life and play an important role.

    KEY WORDS:small mill  test system  sensing element  drive system 

     目  录



    第1章  序言 1

    1.1课题背景 1

    1.2系统测试与测试系统简介 1

    1.2.1测试系统的组成 3

    1.2.2在线检测系统设计的目的 4

    1.3轧钢学实验机的主要性能参数 4

    1.3.1传感器的选择 4

    1.4小型轧机的原始条件 5

    1.5设计的研究范围 5

    第2章  设计内容及设计步骤 7

    2.1电阻应变式测力传感器设计 7

    2.1.1弹性元件设计 7

    2.1.2电阻应变式测力传感器的结构设计 9

    2.2附着式测力传感器 9

    2.2.1工作原理 10

    2.2.2尺寸确定 10

    2.2.3附着式测力传感器的校核计算 11

    2.3扭矩传感器 14

    2.3.1应变片的贴片位置和方向 14

    2.3.2组桥方式 14

    2.3.3旋转件上电信号的传输 15

    2.3.4接触式集电装置 15

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