    Atmospheric And Vacuum Distillation Unit Vacuum Distillation Tower Design
    Abstract:  Tower equipment is an important unit operation in the production process equipment, it is widely used in chemical, oil refining, pharmaceutical, food and environmental protection industries. This design mainly for atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit vacuum distillation tower equipment design, atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit is generally referred to as the atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation. Atmospheric and vacuum distillation is called the atmospheric distillation and vacuum distillation, atmospheric and vacuum distillation basic is a physical process. Vacuum distillation is the separation can be one of the methods of purification of organic compounds. It is especially suitable for those who failed to reach the boiling point at the atmospheric distillation is thermal decomposition, oxidation and polymerization of substances. Main process is: crude oil desalting and dehydration; Atmospheric distillation. Vacuum distillation.
    KeyWords: packed tower;Float the tongue;Vacuum distillation tower;Pressure vessel
    1  课题概述1
    1.1  常减压蒸馏装置减压塔概述…1
    1.2  塔设备对工业生产的意义1
    1.3  课题任务1
    1.4  塔设备的类型选择…2
    1.5  塔设备的主要结构尺寸的设计2
    1.6  塔设备的总体结构设计…3
    1.6.1  塔体与裙座结构3
    1.6.2  塔盘结构3
    1.7  塔设备强度和稳定性计算3
    1.8  塔设备的辅助装置及附件3
    1.8.1  裙座与地脚螺栓3
    1.8.2  除沫器…4
    1.8.3  吊柱与吊耳…4
    1.8.4  人孔与手孔…4
    1.8.5  塔盘4
    1.8.6  降液管…5 
    2.1    外压圆筒设计与计算5
    2.1.1 容器用钢的选取5
    2.1.2 确定筒体壁厚…6
    2.2  封头的设计计算…7
    2.3  水压试验8
    2.4  加强圈的设计计算9
    2.4.1 上段筒体加强圈设计计算9
    2.4.2 中段筒体加强圈设计计算…10
    2.4.3 下段筒体加强圈设计计算…11
    3  质量载荷和自振周期计算12
    3.1  质量载荷计算12
    3.1.1   壳体、裙座和封头质量13
    3.1.2   人孔、接管、法兰等附件质量…14
    3.1.3   内件质量…14
    3.1.4   保温材料质量…14
    3.1.5   平台与扶梯质量14
    3.1.6  物料质量14
    3.1.7  液压试验时充水质量15
    3.1.8  偏心质量…15
    3.2  塔顶吊柱的择与设计15
    3.3  吊耳的选择与设计…16
    3.4  塔的自振周期计算…17
    4  地震与风载荷弯矩计算…18
    4.1  水平地震力18
    4.2  垂直地震力20
    4.3  地震弯矩…21
    4.4  水平风力…21
    4.5  风弯矩…23
    4.6  偏心弯矩…24
    4.7  最大弯矩…24
    4.8  塔体的强度和稳定性计算…24
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