






    ABSTRACT Pneumatic valve is part of the more common regulator element, its role is to come from the high pressure gas tank gas through the valve actuator to provide the stability needed to stabilize the pressure, and when it load changes due to inlet pressure reducing valve or pressure reducing valve after the actuator when the pressure changes, the outlet pressure can be automatically adjusted to the set pressure value, and can remain relatively stable, to ensure that the output changes in air flow and supply pressure and the resulting volatility does not affect the working pressure of the pneumatic system. Given by this paper with a straight moving type relief valve for the modeling and simulation.

    This paper first introduces the historical background of pneumatic valve research the practical significance of the study, the role of decompression were briefly reviewed and the development of situation.

    This paper illustrates the working principle of pneumatic pressure reducing valve, the main characteristic parameters and so on, provide theoretical basis for the back of the simulation.

    Pressure reducing valve and the cylinder is built up using AMESim software circuit simulation model.

    This article set the main characteristic parameters, and by changing the relevant parameters to analyze the various factors that affect the stability of the pressure reducing valve.We also analyzed the influence of pressure on the valve outlet velocity pressure reducing valve on cylinder circuit as well as different cylinder, thus it is necessary to join the decompression valve at design time. 

    Key words:Pneumatic; Regulator; modeling; simulation 


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.2.1  减压阀的作用及分类 1

    1.2.2  减压阀的历史及其发展状况 2

    1.2.3  国内外减压阀的研究状况 3

    1.3 本课题的研究内容 4

    1.4  研究步骤及措施 4

    第二章 气动减压阀的特性 5

    2.1 气动减压阀的结构 5

    2.2 气动减压阀的工作原理 6

    2.3 气动减压阀的主要性能

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