    Design of liquefied gas recovery device for gas absorption tower
    Abstract: This design is the design of packed absorption tower, his purpose is to makebetween gas-liquid and liquid-liquid two phase to achieve close contact, mass transfer and heat transfer. The packed tower is composed of a tower body,packings and internals. The tower body is mainly and cylinder head. The filler is bulk packing.
    In the design process as follows: (1)screen in mist (2)design paking supportplate (3)design of liquid distributor (4)design of liquid distributor (5)designfiller plate.
    At the same time,there are some accessories design,inclouding: (1)design askirt (2)over the design (3)flange selection(4)davit design (5)lug design.
    Finally the assembly drawing and parts.The assembly is mainly expressed the working principle,the position relationship between the parts and assembly relations,some overall size.Drawing is the requirement of machine parts withsize and technology.
    KeyWords:Tower; packed tower; design
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1 课题简介    1
    1.2 课题工作原理    1
    1.3 课题背景与意义    1
    1.4 国内外发展现状    2
    2. 塔结构的设计    3
    2.1 塔设备的总体结构    3
    2.2 已知参数    3
    2.3 塔设备的材料选择    3
    2.4 塔体的设计    3
    2.4.1 圆筒的厚度计算    3
    2.4.2 封头的厚度计算    4
    3. 塔设备的校核    5
    3.1 塔设备的质量载荷计算    5
    3.1.1 筒体,封头和裙座质量 m01    5
    3.1.2 塔内填料质量 m02    5
    3.1.3 平台扶梯的质量 m03    5
    3.1.4 操作时物料的质量 m04    5
    3.1.5 塔附件的质量    6
    3.1.6 塔设备各种质量    6
    3.2 风载荷与风弯矩的计算    7
    3.2.1 塔设备的分段    7
    3.2.2 各段的风载荷    8
    3.2.3 危险截面风弯矩    8
    3.3 危险截面的地震载荷    9
    3.4 偏心弯矩计算    9
    3.5 各种载荷引起的轴向应力    9
    3.5.1 压力引起的轴向拉应力σ1    9
    3.5.2 操作质量引起的轴向压应力σ2    10
    3.5.3 最大弯矩引起的轴向应力σ3    10
    3.6 塔体和裙座强度与稳定校核    11
    3.6.1 塔体的最大组合轴向拉应力校核    11
    3.6.2 塔体与裙座的稳定性校核    11
    3.7 塔体水压试验和吊装时的应力校核    13
    3.7.1 试验压力和液柱静压力引起的环向应力    13
    3.7.2 试验压力引起的轴向拉应力    13
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