    关键词  喷漆机器人  机身系统  步进电机  齿轮减速器 有限元分析
    Title    Design of a Spray Painting Robot Design of the Body System       
       Spray painting robot is a combining product of robot technology and surface painting process. It is a special varieties of products in industrial robot. It has been widely used in the surface treatment and processing departments of automobiles, instruments, appliances, furniture, etc. With the development of technology in the field of industrial automation, the application of spray paint robot will become increasingly wider.
       The content of this paper includes a design and calculation of the fuselage system of spray paint robot.This robot is composed of five degrees of freedom articulated coordinate structure, the step motor driver, the spring balance for the balance of the large arm and the small arm.
       The design focuses on the fuselage system, mainly responsible for the support of large arms and small arms, and capable of rotary motion.The fuselage uses the secondary gear reducer, the stepper motor drive use TDA375-S types of step motor from Taiwan tuoda Technology Co., Ltd. Fuselage frame is pided into left and right two parts, the whole cast form, material for gray cast iron HT200. A speed reducing mechanism composed of a shaft, two gear shaft and two gears, which made of 40Cr. Gear design through the contact fatigue strength condition checking and root bending fatigue strength checking, shaft according to the synthetic conditions of bending and torsion checking and conducting finite element analysis of main axis.
    Keywords  Spray Painting Robot  Body System  Step Motor  Gear reducer Finite element analysis
     目   次
    1  引言1
    1.1  课题研究的背景和意义1
    1.2  喷漆机器人概述1
    1.3  国内外喷漆机器人研究概况1
    1.4  自动喷漆机器人的发展趋势2
    1.5  本文研究的主要内容4
    2  喷漆机器人总体方案设计5
    2.1  喷漆机器人的基本参数确定5
    2.1.2 自由度的确定6
    2.1.3 运动范围的确定7
    2.1.4 有效载荷的确定7
    2.1.5 驱动方式的确定7
    2.1.6 传动方式的选择8
    2.2  喷涂机器人材料的选择8
    2.3  机构整体设计9
    2.4  喷涂机器人平衡系统设计10
    2.5  机身回转关节设计12
    3  喷漆机器人机身系统设计13
    3.1  臂长的设计计算13
    3.2  机身壳体设计14
    3.3  机身回转驱动负载计算和机身齿轮减速器传动比确定15
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