    关键词  冲击波压力测量,“比对式”准静态校准,落锤液压校准装置,工作特性参数,低频传递特性
    Title  A Study on the Quasi-static Calibration Method of Shock Wave Pressure Measurement System
    When the shock wave pressure is tested under the actual working condition, to eliminate the interferences(such as temperature,shock vibration) of the sensor system,the necessary interference suppression measures are required for the sensor. After taking these disincentives,sensitivity and dynamic characteristics of the sensor will change,thus the sensor system must be calibrated after the suppression measures.Dissatisfied of low-frequency characteristics especially in the zero-frequency of the piezoelectric shock wave pressure measurement system,system parameters can not be got by static calibration. Therefore Quasi-static calibration method of the piezoelectric shock wave pressure measurement is studied.
        The quasi-static calibration of the shock wave pressure measurement system is carried out in the‘contradistinction’method .Based on existing quasi-static calibration device,the standard pressure monitoring system and the typical shock wave pressure measurement system based are established and the value dissemination of quasi-static calibration is explored.The static calibration of the standard pressure monitoring system is carried out to acquire the operating characteristic parameters of the system.The research of the quasi-static calibration test method is carried out and the test data is obtained of standard pressure monitoring system and the typical shock wave pressure measurement system.According to the calibration data, the sensitivity, linearity and repeatability of the shock wave pressure measurement system based on quasi-static calibration are discussed.Aiming at the pressure pulse in which the pulse width is 3ms,the transmission characteristics of the low frequency section of the shock wave pressure measurement system is studied.
    Keywords  measurement of shock wave pressure,‘contradistinction’method quasi-static calibration,hammer hydraulic calibration device,work parameters, low frequency transfer characteristic
    目   次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题的背景和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状    2
    1.3 本文的研究内容和章节安排    3
    2 基于落锤式的准静态校准系统的组建    5
    2.1基于落锤式的准静态校准系统的组成    5
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