    本文根据法拉第电磁感应原理,进行设计无线电能传输的方案,将电能以无线的方式传输给负载一端;利用 Multisim 仿真软件对所设计的电路进行仿真,并选择相应的元器件搭建硬件电路验证了仿真的结果。硬件电路是能量发射端设计产生高频率的PWM脉宽调制方波,通过功率放大后控制MOS开关管使LC谐振电路,能量接收端整流、滤波后通过开关集成稳压芯片稳压,实现对负载供电。25464
    关键词  无线能量传输 高频逆变 松耦合变压器 Multisim仿真
    Title   Design of inductive wireless power transmission system                 
    Inductive wireless power transmission has good safety,versatility, flexibility,long service life,non-contact,wear-free, etc.And it is a new type of power supply, wireless power supply is to use electromagnetic fields to transmit energy from one end to the other end of the technology.
    In this paper,according to the principle of Faraday electromagnetic induction, for design of wireless power transmission scheme,power transmission by wireless means for the load end;Use Multisim simulation software for the design of circuit simulation,And select the corresponding components for that the hardware circuit is built to verify the simulation results.The hardware circuit is the energy transmitter designed to produce a high frequency PWM pulse width modulated square wave,After the power amplifier, the MOS switch tube is controlled to make the LC resonant circuit,Energy receiving end rectifier, filter through the integrated regulator chip voltage regulator,realization of power supply to the load.
    The wireless energy transmission of experimental platform has been set up,light the small light bulb outside 30mm,and analyzes the factors that affect the transmission rate,gives the Suggestions to improve transmission efficiency.
    Keywords  Inductive wireless power transmission  High frequency inverter Loosely coupled transformer Multisim simulation
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题背景及应用意义    1
    1.2  国内外无线供电技术的研究现状和发展趋势    1
    1.2.1 国外研究成果    1
    1.2.2  国内研究现状    3
    1.2.3 发展趋势    4
    1.3  本文的主要研究内容及论文的基本框架    4
    2  感应式无线能量传输的原理和方法    6
    2.1 无线电能传输系统的组成    6
    2.2  无线能量传输系统初次级耦合模型分析    7
    2.3  无线能量传输系统的补偿电路    8
    2.3.1  单边补偿分析    9
    2.3.2  双边补偿分析    10
    2.4  高频逆变电路    12
    2.5  整流滤波电路    12
    2.5.1  整流滤波电路的仿真    13
    2.6  本章小结    15
    3  感应式无线能量传输系统的硬件设计    16
    3.1  无线电能传输系统电源部分的组成    16
    3.2  高频逆变    16
    3.2.1  逆变器    16
    3.2.2  逆变器的分类    16
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