    关键词:磁耦合共振 无线传输 阻抗映射 参数优化 阻抗匹配
    Title  Magnetic resonance coupling wireless energy transmission system optimization design
    Wireless energy transmission technology refers to that the electrical equipment gets energy from the power by non-contact way, and due to no physical connection, it has high security and ease of use. Wireless power transmission system based on magnetic coupling resonance technology has farther transmission distance, higher efficiency, and no radiation, and it will have broad application prospects, so it is very important to study the technology.
    This article is based on the four coil coupling resonance model, with the method of impedance mapping, four coil model is equivalent to a single coil model, and establishes the mathematical model; by calculating and analysis the influence of various circuit parameters on transmission characteristics of the system, proposes the optimization method together with optimization value; the simulation is carried out by using the simulation software. The results show that the components of the circuit parameters have great influence on the transmission characteristics, the proposed system optimization method is correct and feasible, and the optimal value can improve the transmission characteristics of the system.
    Keyword: Magnetic coupling resonance  Impedance mapping  Parameter optimization   Parameter optimization   Impedance matching
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 几种无线能量传输技术的对比    1
    1.2 磁耦合谐振式无限能量传输技术的应用前景    2
    1.3 国内外研究现状    3
    1.3.1 国外研究现状    3
    1.3.2 国内研究现状    5
    2 电磁共振耦合模型    7
    2.1 电磁共振耦合模型的选取    7
    2.2 模型简化及理论分析    7
    3 发送和接收回路参数对传输功率影响    10
    3.1 发送和接收回路线圈电感L对传输性能的影响规律    10
    3.1.1 发送和接收回路线圈电感L对传输功率的影响规律    10
    3.1.2 发送和接收回路线圈电感L对传输效率影响规律    14
    3.1.3 最大功率与最大效率传输的关系    16
    3.2 发送和接收回路补偿电容C对传输性能的影响规律    19
    3.3 仿真验证    24
    4 外接负载的优化    27
    4.1 外接负载对系统传输特性的影响规律    27
    4.2 负载RL阻抗匹配优化方法    29
    4.2.1 阻抗匹配原理    30
    4.2.2 模型等效内阻抗    30
    4.2.3 阻抗匹配变换电路    32
    4.2.4 仿真验证    33
    结论    36
    致谢    37
    参考文献    38
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