    关键词:弹带  挤进  材料  有限元法
    Title  Process Analysis projectile squeeze                    
    Projectile pushing stage is a very important part of interior ballistic study, it is a complex process, and it involves various nonlinear problems such as geometry, material, boundary condition, the calculation time is huge, the projectile inertia card bore process belongs to a three dimensional transient impact contact problem, due to the limitation of the current experimental conditions, simply by experiment is very difficult to obtain accurate results.
    Based on a certain type of artillery projectile in the process of squeeze into the interference with the friction, big strain rate contact problem, the projectile pushing the simulation of the finite element model is established, by CAD software to establish three-dimensional model, and by using simulation software ABAQUS/CAE projectile were studied using the dynamic explicit algorithm simulation in the process of squeeze into kinetic parameters, obtained under different material to play with the stress and strain contours, squeeze into velocity of the projectile, crowded into the resistance curve, and analysis the change law of the corresponding to provide reasonable reference for the choice of cartridge belt material.
    Keyword:Band  Squeeze  Material  Finite Element Method
    目   录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1   研究背景    1
    1.2  研究意义    1
    1.3  研究方法的选择    1
    1.4  国内外研究现状    2
    1.5  研究内容    3
    2  有限元法基本理论及分析软件简介    4
    2.1  有限元法简介    4
    2.1.1  有限元法原理简介    4
    2.1.2  有限元法的特点    5
    2.1.3有限元法分析流程    5
    2.2   ABAQUS软件简介    7
    2.2.1  ABAQUS软件介绍    7
    2.2.2 ABAQUS的特点    7
    3  弹丸挤进过程的有限元分析    8
    3.1  弹丸挤进过程的模型    8
    3.2  弹丸挤进有限元分析过程    9
    3.2.1  网格的划分    9
    3.2.2  模型材料选择    11
    3.2.3  设置分析步骤    11
    3.2.4  定义接触面和接触对    12
    3.3.5  定义载荷及边界条件    15
    3.3  有限元计算    16
    4   结果分析    17
    4.1  弹带应力应变、接触压力结果分析    17
    4.1.1  弹带应力应变结果分析    17
    4.1.2  挤进过程中的接触压力结果分析    19
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