    关键词  低压注塑;PLC;控制系统;梯形图    
    Title   Research on the Control Method of Injection Molding Low-pressure Equipment Based on PLC                  
    Low-pressure injection molding process, a new technology developed based on the traditional injection molding process, with advantages such as high precision low defective rate and low cost, gradually become a popular development direction of the injection molding technology, which has been widely used in electronic components encapsulation and other aspects. But this technology started late in China and still lag behind the level of foreign, so it is an important subject to develop high-performance low-pressure injection molding machines of our own brand. Because of PLC technology, control system presents the modular, standardized, secondary development characteristics. So it is one of the focuses to design a stable control scheme for machines with PLC as the control core.
    In this paper, some type of low-pressure injection molding equipment is studied, and a control scheme based on PLC is designed, which can realize functions of injection molding equipment, such as parameter setting, automatic control, manual control, parameter display and abnormal alarm. The system has good stability and higher production accuracy. In this article, low pressure injection equipment was described in detail from the following aspects: hardware components, working principle, electronic configuration, gas path connection, human-computer interaction and PLC system control mode. This provides technical accumulation and valuable experience for the study of low pressure injection molding machine.
    Keywords  Low-pressure injection molding; PLC; Control system; Ladder Logic Programming Language
     目录    1
    1 绪论    2
    1.1 研究目的及意义    2
    1.2 课题发展概况    2
    1.3 研究内容    3
    2 低压注塑机硬件组成    4
    2.1 系统组成及工作原理    4
    2.2  开合模系统结构原理    7
    2.3 工作方式及原理    8
    3 电路控制与气路控制    10
    3.1 电器控制系统    10
    3.2 气路控制系统    11
    4 PLC控制系统设计    14
    4.1硬件电路    14
    4.2 软件编程    17
    5 人机交互界面    24
    5.1 触摸屏接口介绍    24
    5.2 加热控制    25
    5.3 参数设置    26
    5.4 手动操作    28
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