    摘要微通道的沸腾换热是近年来的研究热点之一,这种换热的尺度小,具有非常高的换热特性。因为微通道的研究尺度很小,无论是对于实验观察还是模拟分析都带来了不小的困难,微尺度通道一点点因素的改变,可能导致整个通道内产生巨大的改变,但微通道内的沸腾换热的研究仍不够充分,还需要进一步地实验研究。本次的课题研究中,进行了组装气液两相流的微通道沸腾换热实验系统,研究通道表面的温度分布,流体在通道内沸腾时的干度与对流换热系数的变化规律,运用有限元仿真 ANSYS 软件,对实验所用的微通道模块建立模型,用 Fluent 进行了模拟,得出了流场和通道表面的温度分布,对比模拟与实验得到的通道表面温度,验证了建立的模型能够模拟本课题的实验。27091
    毕业论文关键词 微通道 流动沸腾换热 有限元仿真
    Title Enhancement characteristic research of boiling heat transfer inside the micro-channel
    The boiling heat transfer of the micro-channel is the hot topic of research over
    the past years. Such type of heat transfer is conducted within a small scope and
    thus boasts extremely high heat transfer characteristics. As the research scope
    of the micro-channel is small, experimental observation and simulation analysis
    are confronted with great difficulties. The small change of a single factor of
    micro-channel might generate tremendous change on the whole channel. However, the
    research on the boiling heat transfer within the micro-channel is not sufficient
    enough and further experimental research should be carried out. In this subject
    research, it develops the micro-channel boiling heat transfer experimental system
    of the package gas-liquid two-phase. It studies the temperature distribution on
    the surface of the micro-channel, the dryness of the fluid during the boiling
    process within the micro-channel and the change principles of the convective heat
    transfer coefficient. It makes use of the finite-element simulation ANSYS software
    to establish model for the experiment-wise micro-channel module. It conducts
    simulation with Fluent to get the temperature distribution of the flow field and
    the micro-channel surface and compares the micro-channel surface temperature of
    simulation with that of experiment. In this way, it verifies that the established
    model could simulate the experiment of this subject.
    Keywords Micro-channel Fluid flow boiling heat transfer ANSYS
    目 次
    1 绪论· 1
    1.1 研究背景及意义1
    1.2 微通道的实验研究成果·2
    1.2.1 微通道沸腾换热国内外研究状况 2
    1.2.2 流动沸腾换热关联式的研究 3
    1.3 课题的目的与工作内容·4
    2 微通道内沸腾流动及换热实验研究6
    2.1 实验装置和设备6
    2.2 实验原理及数据处理7
    2.2.1 壁面温度·7
    2.2.2 热流密度·8
    2.2.3 热效率8
    2.2.4 起沸点8
    2.2.5 干度·9
    2.2.6 对流换热系数·9
    2.3 实验结果· 9
    3 微通道数值模拟计算·15
    3.1 ANSYS 软件· 15
    3.1.1 软件简介· 15
    3.1.2 Fluent 模块中的有限体积法· 15
    3.2 两相流与传热基本方程· 16
    3.2.1 CFD 基本方程 16
    3.2.2 流体湍流模型· 17
    3.3 微通道中的对流换热模型 17
    3.4 微通道模型与网格划分· 18
    3.5 数值模拟结果· 19
    结 论· 21
    致 谢· 23
    1 绪论
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