
    摘要:本设计内容是φ200~φ400mm桶体内壁钻削专用动力头的设计。它提供了一种在车床上加工镶嵌轴承内壁实现打盲孔的动力装置。本文综合性的从优缺点、研究目的、使用场合等方面来阐述桶内壁钻削专用动力头这种新型的动力装置。在本设计中的主要零件的设计中,主要包括带轮的设计计算、轴的结构设计、 轴承的选择、链轮的设计计算、轴承的寿命校核计算等。然后在传动方案上的设计上考虑到传动的简便性,灵活性和实用性确定方案一作为本设计的最终方案。本设计整体在现有的钻削动力头的基础上加以改进,传动比较简单、传动方案稳定可靠、外形尺寸小、性能比较好、结构紧凑、成本低、运转安全稳定、操作简单、维修和管理方便。68730

    毕业论文关键词:钻削动力头     镶嵌轴承    车床

    Special cutting power head design with 200~ 400mm diameter inner wall drill

    Abstract:the design content is to design special cutting power head with 200~ 400mm diameter inner wall drill. It provides a power device embedded in the lathe machining bearing wall has a blind hole. This article comprehensive disadvantages and purpose of the study, use and other aspects of the inner wall of drilling device for power head of the new. The design of the main components, including pulley design calculation, structural design of shaft, bearing selection, design calculation, wheel bearing life calculation. Then in the design of transmission    scheme on considering the simplicity of transmission, flexibility and practicability of the scheme as a final solution of the design. The overall design of the existing drilling head on the basis of further improvement, simple structure, reliable transmission, small size, good performance,compact structure, low equipment cost, safe operation, convenient operation, convenient repair and management.

    Key Words:   drilling head     Embedded bearing     lathe 

      目    录

    1  绪论 1

       1.1桶体内壁钻削动力头的简介 1

       1.2 桶体内壁动力头的意义: 1

       1.3 桶体内壁钻削动力头的使用场合 2

       1.4 桶体内壁钻削动力头的工作原理 2

       1.5 钻削动力头的优点 2

         1.5.1 钻削动力头的优点: 2

         1.5.2 桶体内壁钻削动力头的优点 2

       1.6 钻削动力头的国内外的发展 3

    1.6.1 国外发展情况 3

    1.6.2 国内发展情况 4

    1.6.3 桶内壁钻削专用动力头的发展方向 6

    2  桶体内壁钻削动力头的主体构造 7

       2.1桶体内壁钻削动力头的工作原理 7

       2.2 结构设计 8

    2.2.1 支架 8

    2.2.2.轴 8

    2.2.3.周节制同步带 9

    2.2.4.同步带带轮 9

    2.2.5.链轮 10

    2.2.6.固定脚架 10


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