



    Abstract This article is about how to use the NAPA software for 2000 tons of overall design of the coastal tanker. The main content of the topics include: establish the ship model according to the mother ship;make sure the determination of the new ship; check the displacement and cabin capacity; transform the model ship to get the new one and finish the definition of specific loading conditions; get the static hydraulic calculation ,the ship's stability and some other properties; The last item is to get the freeboard and the gross tonnage of the ship. 

        Using the computer software for the design of ship can not only ensure the accuracy of the research but also greatly reduce the workload and improve work efficiency. Applying the software to design the ship also can promote the domestic shipbuilding industry and contact with the world shipbuilding industry. By familiar operation of  the NAPA software, the realization of digital model design`s construction ,and all kinds of methods and techniques of study ship properties , the professional design personnel can better master the overall ship design method, and combine the professional knowledge and practical work., so as to complete the design work of the ship.

    Keywords: The digital model;Oil tanker; The overall design; NAPA software

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1概述 2

    1.2油船的简要发展史 2

    1.3 油船的结构特点 2

    1.4主要研究方法与步骤 2

    第二章 油船船型与尺度确定 4

    2.1主要要素的初步确定 4

    2.1.1母型船资料 4

    2.1.2 粗估排水量 4

    2.1.3垂线间长L 5

    2.1.4 型宽 B 5

    2.1.5 型深 D 6

    2.1.6 吃水 d 6

    2.1.7方形系数 Cb 6

    2.2确定设计船舶的载重量 6

    2.3排水量校核 8

    2.4舱容校核 8

    2.5 快速性校核 9

    2.6 稳性校核 10

    2.6.1 初稳性高度 10

    2.6.2 横摇周期 11

    2.7 主要要素总结 11

    第三章 利用NAPA的船型建模

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