    关键词  煤油凝胶推进剂  配制  稳定性  触变性  流变性  雾化实验
    Title    The experiment research about kerosene gel fuel on its rheological Properties and atomization characteristics                
    As an important part of the modern theory of propellant, gel propellant show its superior performance compared with conventional solid-propellant and liquid propellant in the area of security, storage and application, and a variety of related research of gel propellant was carried in a wide range. The main task of this article is about the preparation of organic and inorganic kerosene gel propellant and choose some sample from what we have made up, and then research its  physical stability,  thixotropy and rheological properties.  Analysing  the date from the experiment,fitting the constitutive equation and the rheological match. In the last, a atomization tests was conducted with the refrigerants of gel fluid simulation. The test results were analyzed quantitatively,and we get the effect of different impact angles and different conditions for atomization and effective impact velocity.
    Keywords  kerosene gel propellant , preparation ,physical stability,
              Thixotropy , rheological properties, fogging test
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  引言    1
    1.2  煤油凝胶推进剂的概念    2
    1.3  煤油凝胶推进剂的研究和发展    2
    1.3.1  凝胶推进剂起步    2
    1.3.2  凝胶推进剂国外研究概况    2
    1.3.3  凝胶推进剂国内研究概况    3
    1.4  胶体推进剂配方体系[2]    3
    1.4.1  导弹方面    3
    1.4.2  航天运载火箭方面    4
    1.4.3  民用方面    5
    1.5  本文主要内容    5
    2  凝胶燃料制备与方法研究    6
    2.1  凝胶燃料分类[7]    6
    2.2  凝胶燃料配备组分介绍    6
    2.3  燃料制备仪器介绍    7
    2.3.1  凝胶制备的化工设备    7
    2.3.2  实验室分散均质机(AD200L-P)    7
    2.3.3  三辊研磨机    9
    2.3.4  真空干燥箱(标准型 DZ-1AⅡ)    9
    2.4  凝胶燃料制备    10
    2.4.1  无机配备方案    10
    2.4.2  有机配备方案    13
    2.4.3  凝胶推进剂的贮存    14
    3  煤油凝胶燃料特性研究    15
    3.1  实验设备介绍    15
    3.1.1  离心机    15
    3.1.2  .Brookfield椎/板旋转流变仪与恒温水浴    15
    3.2  煤油凝胶推进剂的特性表征    16
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