    关键词  复合材料 模拟身管 超高压加载 试验系统 超高压容器 强度特性
    Title  The design of an experimental system for simulation of composite barrels under ultra-high pressure loading
    The central idea of this paper is the design of ultra-high pressure loading experimental system,in order to obtain the test conditions simulated strength characteristics of composite barrels.The combination of ultra-high pressure testing,testing technology and composite knowledge learning,design of a ultra high pressure loading system ,the measured object tube is a composite material simulation test system,application under such a pressure,the deformation of similar propellant gas pressure under the action of its role,establish structural mechanics of composite material model,using the finite element method,a finite model of composite material barrel,the calculation of composite material barrel stress strain,and the composite strength criterion for the strength check.The core content of this design is the design of loading device,the simple point that is a ultra-high pressure vessel design,including the design of structure,material,size etc. finish the part of other parts of the system achieve the connection of ultra high pressure loading design.
    Keywords  composite materials    simulation of barrel      ultra  high pressure loading  test system     ultra high pressure vessel     strength characteristics
    毕业设计说明书中文摘要    3
    毕业设计说明书外文摘要    4
    1  绪论    7
    1.1  选题背景及意义    7
    1.2  国内外研究现状和发展趋势    7
    1.3  本文的主要工作    8
    2  复合材料基本理论    10
    2.1  复合材料本构关系    10
    2.2  复合材料身管强度特性分析    13
    3  测试系统(技术)的基本理论    16
    3.1  概述    16
    3.2  测试系统的基本组成    16
    3.3  测试系统设计的一般要求    17
    4  超高压加载试验系统的设计    19
    4.1  概述    19
    4.2  超高压加载试验系统的结构设计    19
    4.3  超高压加载试验系统的实现    34
    5  复合材料身管仿真模拟分析    35
    5.1  ABAQUS软件简要介绍    35
    5.2  ABAQUS在复合材料分析中的应用    35
    5.3  结果分析    35
    结论    40
    致谢    41
    参考文献    421  绪论
    1.1  选题背景及意义
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